the vague choir

Mark Earnest – Juggernaut – S6 E27

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Season 06
Mark Earnest - Juggernaut - S6 E27

MMMmmmm…. It’s a good one.

The Worst Little Podcast in the World – S6 E27 – Download Link

Just in time for the Halloween Season, we get the all-new jet-fueled sounds of The Sister’s Doom! That’s right! Mark Earnest, Reno music deity, brings in some unreleased tracks from the as-yet unreleased The Sister’s Doom album. Just in time, because they announced this week that their final show will be this coming Friday, November 4!! We also get to listen to Mark play a little live music before he bores of us and decides we must be destroyed.

Mark Earnest looking magestic

…just a regular guy…

Oh! and – sorry for the late post this week. It was delayed by the Annual Dogwater Punkin’ Carving party this week. And Reverend Rory may have injured himself, accidentally, while stretching… We apologize for the delay in transmission, but hey, a late podcast is better than none at all, amirite? Here’s what you may have missed:

a mess 'o jack'o'lanterns



Thanks for Listening!