Sophie Ralston
Kung Fu Sophie and the Slow Dying Podcast – S1 E10

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 010
Smelly boys beware! (of Reno whores)
This week on the Worst Little Podcast in the World, Sophie Ralston visits us on the studio. Talk about a dumb blonde! She was a fantastic guest – we didn’t have to play too nice after all! Chewie is still out in the hinterlands of Eastern Nevada, so after a play-by-play account of Rory’s failure as a parent and his daughter’s subsequent introduction to recreational OTC, Sophie entertains us with some tracks she brought in. Later she plays some LIVE music too. Ever the good sport, Kung Fu Sophie is the first person to take the Worst Quiz in the Wold. We learn that Sophie has some unusual talents and doesn’t read anything without big pictures! Rick restrains his inner (and outer) tech nerd, and Nick… well, anything of importance that happened to Nick really gets steamrolled by all of the awesomeness and kick-assery.