Roger Rowland
I got yo’ Present right here! – S1 E23

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Back in the saddle again!
At least for now – Chewie is going out on the job for about a month. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out Good luck, friend! We wish you well!
How about that new logo! A big big BIG thank you to Felix Polanski for designing that for us. Coming soon to a T-shirt near you.
Back to this week- in studio we have the righteous talents of Present, the humbe side of Reno supergroups. Present is Tobin Jones, Roger Rowland and WLP’s own Nick Ramirez – three long-time veterans of the Reno music scene. Present has a lineup of really tight, pretty, and rockin’ songs (chick rock). The boys are all married, so condolences to all the Present groupies awaiting them throughout Northern Nevada. Seriously though, Present is still a pretty new band and they have a TON of upcoming shows – that only happens if you’ve got the goods. Since they don’t have much of an internet presence, you’ll have to listen to the WHOLE show to find out where they are playing next.
Nick brings a special story to tell about the ongoing dmise of Hella A Capella, Reno’s only a capella group. It’s truly a heart- warmer you can read to your kids at night. It’s too bad what happened, and you might think Nick was kinda being a dick (lol) but we wish the remaining members of the band well in the future.
That’s it for this week. And remember, if you’re going to get a tattoo, make it a Stingray Tattoo – mention you heard about them on the podcast!
Thanks for listening.