Reno Rocky horror Picture show
The Defabulators – Too Much Music – S4 E23

Hold on to your britches!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E24 – Download Link
Dogwater Studios transforms into a house of rock and roll when these boys come around. Johnny Harpo, Wes Forster, Jesse Gaddis and Greg Grenade of The Defabulators invade with their blazing guitars and yowlin’ sound! There wasn’t a dry seat in the studio after their first song – mostly sweat, but I’m not picky.
The Defabulators are back in action and ready to play and record a bunch of new tunes they play for us on the show today. Nothing is booked just yet, though and they don’t have a website or anything, because they’re old skool Reno rock and rolla’s like that. You’ll have to keep your ear to the ground to catch them.
We are also happy to Officially Announce the Presentation of Ye Olde Pinky Polanski Rocky Horror Picture Show Extravaganza!!!! That’s right! The Pinky Polanski Boys and Reverend Rory will be putting on the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the newly rebuilt Cargo at Whitney Peak – ON HALLOWEEN!!! Two shows – 8pm and midnight!!! For the third year in a row we will be bringing you our own special brand of Reno Rocky – complete with live music, live audience participation and live RHPS virgins!!!!! Stay tuned for details!!!
Go Do stuff!
Thanks for Listening!