reno musician
Larry Cooper and Pat Schillito: From Sparks, With Love – S3 E3

What a weird episode…
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E3
Happy Valentines Day!!! Hope everybody gets some!!!!
We had a fun, if at times, awkward show this week. Hope you love the phone calls. In studio we have Reno musician Larry Cooper and Reno Comedian Pat Shillito. They came to play and we had a lot of fun despite all the distractions… No! really! I’m still scratching my head about a lot of what happened on the show this week. If this sounds confusing – good! Listen to the episode and see if you can decipher the mystery.

I don’t want to say Larry does drugs or anything, but he looks like he’s been haning out with Nick too much.
So, yeah, I’m stuck on this whole Valentine’s Day thing. It’s the first one I’ve been single for in almost a decade. Should I write the girly a poem? How do I come off as not creeperish? Do I ignore the holiday entirely? How does one approach a booty call on Valentine’s Day? So many questions, so many embarassing outcomes. $5 says I chicken out on my plans.
In other news – come see the Lincoln’s Still Dead show at Lincoln Lounge this Saturday!!! Los Pistoleros, Cranium and Actors Killed Lincoln!!!!! It’s gonna be awesome!!! Especially the more of you that show up to honor our nation’s fathers!!! and a dollar off for period dress!
Also, if you do end up visiting Reno Computer Fix, make sure you tell them we sent you – we could win a new laptop for referring you. Or you could by referring people over there, but who would do something like that without vetting a repair shop themselves?
Anyway… Thanks For Listening!