reno hardcore music
The Firebombing, Chaos, Stickers and ‘Love’ – S1 E26

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 026
“I’ve only listened to a few episodes. Is it usually this much of a trainwreck?”
– Todd Imus, directly after the recording stopped
Hello, Good Listener! It’s a pretty darn good show for you this week if’n I do say so m’self… and I do (most weeks anyway). We start out with a traditional folk song that our guests, The Firebombing, recorded at Dogwater. Rory has returned in good form and spirits. He critiques Nick and Rick’s performances the week before and is really quite supportive. Yep. That’s the story and I’m told I have to stick to it. And back from the fields of silver under the great state of Nevada is the big man- CHEWIE!!!! Don’t get too excited though, this was just a one-off. He’ll be gone for another couple of weeks after this, so gitchyer Wookie on while you can.
We sit down and (sweat it out) talk with The Firebombing, premiere purveyors of hardcore, anthemic and Americana rock in the Reno music scene. Todd Imus and Garrett Donovan were a lot of fun to hang out with in the studio, despite all the heat and nudity… Rory and Nick have a problem with that. Keeping their clothes on, that is. At any rate – Todd and ‘Mr. Perfect’ treat us to impromptu acoustic versions of a few tunes. At least one of them is going to make it onto ‘The CD’.
Also – listen carefully for your chance to win a Worst Little Podcast PRYZE PAKK. This first time, it’s easy…
OH!! Garrett ROCKS the Worst Quiz Ever – he scores right up there with Layla James (who could be be returning to WLP sometime soon). For a quiet guy, he’s got some things to say and secrets to spill. You just have to get him drunk enough and ask him a bunch of rapid-fire awkward questions! Todd score is okay, but he’s a ginger, so what do you really expect? Like I said, It’s actually a pretty good show this week. Thanks for listening.