Reno culture
We’re Calling in Sick.
Hello, constant listener and the Intrawebz,
We hate to do it, but we had to cancell the episode this week due to the failing health of half of the crew. Rick has the plague and Rory’s got a hole in his tooth. I’d go into greater detail, but it makes Nick squirm… so we’ll save it for the show next week!
In case you were interested, the Reno Block Party and Undiscovered 2011 (a.k.a. Rick-stock) were great! Huge successes and a grand old time were had by all! Thanks for attending if you did – it’s events like these that make Reno so freaking awesome! And thanks to all the bands that played; we’re going to try to book as many of them as possible in the coming months (Very Pretty Pigeon, Memory Motel… I’m looking at you….).
Exciting news – We gots stickers!!!!! A big shout out to the fine folks over at Sticker Guy! (Eric Foreman) for hooking us up with some sweet stickers. Want some? Leave a comment – we’ll sent them to you!
Don’t forget to check out NadaDada Motel this week – June 16 through 19 at locations all over downtown Reno. Local artists and performers collaborate once again in a celebration of nothing and everything. Still not sure what NadaDada is? It doesn’t matter. Just go.
Trust us! We know what we’re doing!