Reno Country
Mr. Johnson – Twisted Mister

This week is Marianarchy days 3 and 4, so who better to come in than the band with our beneficiary Andy Hernandez in it. No, not Los Pistoleros (although both guest are in that group), it’s a new country murder-ballad project by Murderock drummer Zachery Johnson, aptly dubbed MR. JOHNSON . That’s right metal/horror rockers: country western music! And it’s good! Zach never really sang much in Murderock, but DAAAAAAaamn – it turns out he can croon! Combined with story-songs and Andy’s slap bass, this act is ready to jump in the van and tear up the road.

We listen to how they started; how death, near death, and living, continue to shape both Zach and Andy’s driven attitude. Andy shares some of his experience that lead to him being hospitalized, as well as the recovery after. It’s nothing short of miraculous. We’re so happy Andy is alive and well. Still playing music with good friends like Zach and kicking life’s ass with love and positivity. It’s wonderful to see and hear.

Kim reports on OffBeat, Nick reports on days 1&2 of Marianarchy. Great folks. Great talk. Come see Mr. Johnson at Marianarchy this Friday 10/14 6:30 at the Elbow Room. Life is short and fragile. We really do love you all.

Thanks for listening.
Huckleberry Road – Self Titled – S8 E4

S8 E6
Hi, Reno! Welcome to the Worst Little Podcast! This week Rory, Nick, and Dogwater Dick are hosting the show, featuring Reno country duo, Huckleberry Road! Robbie and Anthony sat down with us to talk murder songs, marketing, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. And there’s music! Press play!

Anthony Vairetta- Lead Guitar Back up Vox

Robbie James- Lead Vox, Guitar
Huckleberry Road is an American Country group with rock and traditional country music roots formed by Robbie James and Anthony Vairetta of Sil Shoda. Listen up to hear how they transitioned from a well known hard rock band to Reno country staples.
If you listened to the show you heard our call for murder songs. We aren’t kidding! I think… Regardless, send in your stuff. We will make that Reno murder song compilation happen. Thanks again to Huckleberry Road for hanging out with us this week. Check in next week for Cowboy Indian!
There’s a ton of cool shit happening this weekend in the Biggest Little City. Here’s Kim’s picks:
Thursday – SWIGS/Snailmate/Coolzey/Weapons of Mass Creation/Night Rooms at Shea’s. 7PM 21+ $6
Friday – LIT at NITE: Bad Romance a hot mess of poetry performances, music, debauchery and fundraising to benefit the Spoken Views Collective. Suggested donation of $3-$5 at the door will help send SVC youth and adult SLAM teams to represent Reno and northern Nevada at regionals and finals. 8PM at Headquarter’s Bar. 21+
Saturday – Skate Jam 2018: Round 5 at Jub Jub’s. Check out local favorites Vampirates and Prince Robot, along one of my favorite bands from Sacramento, Knocked Down, and much much more!
We’ll see you out there, Reno. Thanks for listening!