Peppermill resort
Drinking With Clowns – Slumming It With Us – S4 E12

Shazam! Kablam! Flippety-flam!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E12 – Download Link
We love our non paying job so much. We get to hang out with cool musicians and listen to music every week. This week was no different as Baldo Bobadilla from Drinking With Clowns stops by the studio with some sneak peeks at their upcoming CD, El Vuelo. (featuring one SPENCER KILPATRICK (and you know where he got his start)). I could say Drinking With Clowns is a Reno Latin music band, but that’s selling them short – Drinking With Clowns is a Reno band that happens to play a lot of Latin influenced music. They’re playing out regionally and even internationally, at music festivals and charitable fundraisers, all the damns times, seducing women with their talent, intelligence and many other hidden assets.
Unfortunately, Baldo was the only one who could stop by this time, but we had our hands full with him. In one of the HIGHEST scoring quizzes ever, Baldo does not shy away from any questions and gives some really revealing answers. Check Drinking With Clowns out at their next show at the Peppermill, May 1st-3rd. Also check out their own non profit organization, FutureKind.
He has to leave early, so the end of the show is just a train wreck with the guys. Heh. Enjoy.
Thanks for listening!