morris burner hotel
The Bill and Zeke Show – S4 E22

What say ye, weary traveler?
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E 23 – Download Link!
Holy crap, it’s hot as fuck in Reno, despite the fairly unprecedented 4 days of serious rain in a row. Hope you all are keepin’ cool and pulling a Saturday Night Fever! Whoo! In Studio this week, we have Bill McKean and Zeke Griffin from Strange on the Range, a Reno blues/Americana/Blurgrass BLUEgrass band. No. Hell with It – They are Blurgrass. Made that shit up just now I did. Bill plays guitar and Zeke plays Mandilins. Actually, he freaking makes the suckers. Custom and cool and – damn!
Strange on the Range is a featured act at The Morris Burner Hotel’s Reno Folk Festival, happening this weekend as a part of Artown. If you haven’t been to a show at the Morris yet, you are missing out on a whole lot of what’s happening in the Reno art and performance worlds. Three days of folk music, a trip backwards in time, covering current era, the 60s, and traditional roots of folk music, as a tribute to Pete Seeger, who died earlier this year.
Jill Marlene, event organizer, also joins us partway through the episode and joins the guys on a couple songs. It’s , once again, a fun episode, but it got hot in the studio. It’s hot now. I’m done.
Thanks for listening.
Up Is The Down Is The – Miscellaneous Hot Girl? – S4 E20

Pete and Repeat went out on a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E21
I’m WHOREible at this deadline thing! Sorry folks, Reverend Rory had a poetry reading a the Morris Burner Hotel’s monthly show, Burning Words, then went out to catch some comedy at Third Street Bar. Twas a lot of fun getting out during the midweek! I encourage you all to do it every now and then!
On the show this week we have a lively time – a long recap of the past week for everyone and all the awesome events we went to and enjoyed. Joining us in the studio for the first time is Up Is The Down Is The, a solo music project from Reno NV. Andrew Martin is the man behind the music and is as impressive as he is charming! Dogwater Dick and Reverend Rory caught him after Sit Kitty Sit at Jub Jub’s a few weeks ago and booked him on the spot! With a guitar, drums, pickle barrel and a looper, he creates wonderful aural creations to delight your ears.
Also along for the ride is the always fun and charming Samantha Gates. She just stopped by to chill out with her favorite podcasters and got to take the full Worst Little Quiz, with no pulled punches (since her mom wasn’t in the room this time). Samantha is currently working on some projects that are under wraps at the moment, but that we hope to be able to tell you more about in the future. (Rick didn’t take a picture of Samantha because he hates women is a fag was so busy setting up Up Is The Down Is The.
You can catch Up Is The Down Is The on July 2 at Holland Project with The Baddest Beams from Sacramento, CA! Please go check him out – great music, great venue!! Hope you have a fun week – we’ll see you next week with some of the cast of the Tahoe Players’ productions of Sweeny Todd and Avenue Q.
Thanks for Listening!
TEMPO – Marching to a Twisted Beat – S4 E16

Aloha, Mr. Hand!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E17 Download Link
Hey, kids! It’s a loud talky show from the beginning on, but TEMPO – Adam Springob, Glynn Osburn and Misha Bardashov – steps up to the challenge and delivers some really kick ass music. Despite their rookie status as a band, these seasoned and talented musicians put together a really polished sound.
TEMPO has played a number of big shows and with a lot of local headliners in the past few months. They are looking forward to a hopefully busy season of show playing this summer after they finish recording their EP cassette tape. Oh, yeas.
Lots of great stuff coming up in the next few weeks! Including Jenny Pez DeSpencer’s live comedy album recording and Monsters and Elves, hosted by Reverend Rory Dowd, both on Saturday May 31. Further out, Rev. Rory will be doing a one hour ‘variety show’ at the NNNLA’s Impact 2014 at Tronix on June 7 and hosting the Vaud Villan Freak Show, a fundraiser for Evil Dead The Musical The Reno Edition at Jub Jub’s on June 14! Checkout the links for more!
Thanks for Listening.