matt bode
Saber Tooth Dragons and Ashley Marie James – Sláinte Mhaith! – S6 E6

Need a little Irish in ya?
The Worst Little Podcast – 2015 03 14 – Download Link
The drunken debauchery starts here! Welcome to the St. Patrick’s Day episode! Saber Tooth Dragons are up on tap and they brought the mayhem. (overboard? Overboard. Edit? nah.) Matt Bode, Adam Dick, Andrew Hockenberry and Myke Read are behind this operation. The Reno NV punk band has been playing for about a year, combining members of other Reno bands you may have heard of (Machine Gun Vendetta, Infecto Skeletons, Del Mar) and are kinda really killing it.
You can catch Saber Tooth Dragons TONIGHT! On St. Patrick’s Day at the official starting line of the walk of shame, Shea’s Tavern, with a bunch of other bands. Show starts right around Rock and Roll time… which gives you plenty of time to catch the 7:30 opening night showing of “Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll“, a play by Eric Bogosian, right next door at Good Luck Macbeth Theater. Director Ashley Marie James also is hanging in the studio, taking the place of our very own Nick Ramirez, who is in the show and at rehearsal (again). It’s only got a limited run of SIX SHOWS so this might be your best opportunity to see it. Get your tickets now!
So, now, thanks to us, you have your St. Pat’s festivities planned – “Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll” at Good Luck Macbeth, then Saber Tooth Dragons at Shea’s! Go do it! Do it now!
Thanks for Listening!
Del Mar – The Ocean and the Desert – S1 E 31

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 31
Nick randomly met these guys playing beer pong at the CalNeva. They’re fucking awesome. I think this is our longest episode EVAR.
Hello everybodee! Hope you’ve been having a great couple of weeks and enjoying the end of the summer; we all sure have. Between Burning Man, the Rib CookOff, The Discovery Museum Opening, the Balloon Races, Reno Aces, art shows, rock shows and some pretty spectacular weather, Reno has HELLA been the place to be. Nick regales us with a bunch of “this one time, at Burning Man” crap some great stories from the playa. Rory can’t stay out of the spotlight so he tells SOMEBODY ELSE’S playa story that he’s already heard. Nick has more epic tales to tell, but we couldn’t fit them all in this week. He’s going to finish up with his journal in the next few episodes, but we had to move on to more immediate exciting things – like our gursts Del Mar.
Unlike most of the artists and performers on the show, we didn’t really know of these guys except by reputation before the show, so it is an episode of discovery! (Not like that! Unless Rick (or Rory) needs to fess up to something. ) Matt Bode and Mike Martinez of Del Mar stop by this week. If you don’t know, you really should check them out. Great surf/rockabilly/drunkpunk/cowpunk from some local kids, including a female singer, Nicole. The kicker is that the two dummies we talked to somehow hooked up with the fantastic talent of Bud Gaugh (Sublime)! Unfortunately, Bud and Nicole couldn’t make it tonight, but we’re going to try to get them all in here in the spring.
This is a SUUUUPER long episode – it hits the 1:40 mark! I hope you’ve got some time to kill. Our little one hour show keeps growing and growing! Thanks to loyal listener Jude Mayne, we just hit 150 likes on Facebook! (although, that number could be higher, slackers… Tell your friends to like us! Even if they don’t! We’ll play the fake internet friend game!) Once again, it’s been a lot of fun. Thanks for listening.