marcus mayhall
Vague Choir – Something Something – S4 E32

Is there a such thing as post post rock?
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E32
Hey everybody! It’s a fantastic week here on The Worst Little Podcast, well for most of us. Dogwater Dick got some bad news this week – very distressing, but nothing permanent – listen in the first five minutes to find out why!?! Mark Earnest says, “If you can make it through the first seven minutes, you’re a braver man than I!” Mark is the lead singer and guitar player for Vague Choir. You remember Mark, right? Old friend of the show from the first season!
Mark is joined by his soulmates, Marcus Mayhall (bass) and Jason Thomas (drums). Contrary to what Reverend Rory thought popular belief, Marcus and Jason have never appeared on the show! Yet another Worst Little Podcast First! Which is funny since we bring you another Worst Little Podcast EXCLUSIVE! Vague Choir’s first set is some previously unrecorded (released?) songs that didn’t make it to their first album.
Speaking of albums, if you are in a local band, don’t forget to bring copies of your album to Discology, the final real record store in Reno. They want to have a large and vibrant local music section, but can’t do it until enterprising young musicians like yourselves stop by and drop off some merch! Support local music and local business all in one fell swoop!
Vague Choir does have a show happening this Saturday, October 11 at Monolith Bar, with out-of-towners Fortune Club and dj Tigerbunny. Please check these badasses out in person.
And as always, Thanks for Listening.