Mac Esposito
The Potentialists – Grilled Cheese and Margaritas – S6 E11

Starring our youngest guest yet!!!
Worst Little Podcasat – S6 E11
The Potentialists of the Potentialist Workshop invade Dogwater Studios this week. Mac Esposito (Bazooka Zoo), Chriselle Vinson, Kelsey Sweet and Axiom Pantoja join support to talk about what the shell a Potentialist and the Workshop is all about. Mostly though, we talked with young Ax. And he spoke the truth!
Mac plays us some solo stuff, some of which are songs he plays with Bazooka Zoo, friends of the show and Reno Space Rockers. Mac joined their lineup a while ago and the sound is out of the galaxy. You can catch them at their next show at The Saint on 5/27/2016.
His lovely wife, Chriselle, whose name I butcher repeatedly throughout the show, is both wonderful and the house masseuse at the Potentialist Workshop. Stop by and check them out- they want to make your art a reality!
Stop by Foxy First Friday this week with my very good friend, Jen Scaffidi. You know and love her. Also don’t forget Reno Sculpture Fest, happening downtown Friday thru Sunday. And – Word to your Moms. Happy Mothers’ Day!
Thanks For Listening!