Lighter Thief
Adam Springob: With the Entourage – S3 E15

First: Marianarchy Marianarchy Marianarchy!!!!
More later. Now, onto the show!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E14
Adam Springob joins us this week as a solo artist. He’s been stepping out from above Greg Gilmore’s very small shadow and showcasing his own singing and songwriting. It’s really good stuff. Unfortunately, you won’t hear it!!!! He brought a damn band with him this week. Actually – he brought TWO bands with him to make one giNORmous band called …. Something Or Other. Joining him in the studio are Michelle Belle (guitar – Scarlet Presence), Carter Stellon (drums – Scarlet Presence), Samantha Gates (fiddle), and Greg Gilmore (bass – Kanes NOT Merkin – lets be clear about this: Greg is not in The Merkins. He’s not that good.)
We had a really fun time with these guys – so much fun that Nick and The Rev had to take off before the show was done!!! They’re not even sure what happens yet!!! There is a lot of talking, yelling and chaos – more than usual – really. I’m supposed to take down notes and tease it out here, but I seem to have neglected to do that this week, although there is a really awesome drawing of a polar bear holding a surfboard next to the note “Sam seems so nice – why these a-holes?”.
SO, normally I tell you about the picks for this weekend, right? Well, this week, there is only one show you should concern yourself with (despite what Adam says on the show – srsly, fuck that guy): MARIANARCHY 2013: A BENEFIT FOR DALE KELLAMS!!! Two days, 35 acts, raffles, BBQ, silent auction, monkey juice, and lots of shenanigans!!!! Get your asses to Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor this weekend, May 17 & 18! starts at 3pm on Friday, 2pm on Saturday!
There will also be a Remembering Dale Kellams show at Jub’s Thursday night with his brother, Doug’s band. Please come down for old footage and good friends. All proceeds of this weekend will go to support his widder and orphan, Heidi and Kenobi.
Day 1 Lineup (Opener at Bottom, Headliner at top)
12:30-??? Memory Motel
11:45pm-12:15 Actors Killed Lincoln
11pm-11:30 Big Remote
10:15-10:45 Post War
9:30-10pm The Kanes
8:45-9:15 Scarlet Presence
8:10-8:35 Stabby Unicorn
7:35-8pm Betty Rocker
7pm-7:25 Candyshoppe
6:30-6:50pm SHAM
6-6:20 Farewell Belladonna
5:40-5:55 Larry Cooper
5:20-5:35 Tom Plunkett
5-5:15 John Frederick & Cori Lynn
4:40-4:55 Matt Waage
4:20-4:35 Brian Callahan
4pm-4:15 Pat Rhea
Day 2 Lineup:
12:30-??? Vampirates
11:45-12:15 Kittenhead(L.A. Ca)
11pm-11:30 Merkin
10:15-10:45 The Harvest and the Hunt
9:30-10pm Reno We Have A Problem
8:45-9:15 Slut Fungus
8-8:30 Frontier City Sounds
7:20-7:45 Victory Calls
6:40-7:05pm Stereo Killers
5:55-6:25 Aversion Therapy
5:10-5:40 Max Volume Band
4:25-4:55 Six Mile Station
3:40-4:10 Pinky Polanksi (acoustic)
3:05-3:30 Hella A Capella
2:30-2:55 Spike and Jackson
2-2:20 Lighter Thief
Oh, yeah, don’t forget to check out the Kanes’ video Free Me, in which Michelle’s ass just doesn’t quit!!!
Thanks for listening!