Kyle Campbell
Newbound and Vickie Gordon – Do Stupid Things – S6 E5

Aaaaand we are BACK! Ha HA!
The Worst Little Podcast – S6 E5 – Download link
Thank you for your patience, please enjoy the complementary mimosas with this episode [NOT INCLUDED]. A big big BIG, sloppy-with-tongue “thank you” to Senior Production Assistant, Nate Sanders for filling in for the Rev while he was away. It’s good to be back, refreshed and invigorated! To that end, we invited Newbound – a new sound in the Reno music collage – to play on the show. Newbound is a Reno, NV post-punk rock band featuring Dana Deitrich, Ry Stolz, Nick Viland and Kyle Campbell. They’ve got shoegaze appeal, angsty yelling, thoughtful lyrics and fantastic melodic noise jams.
Fine lads, the lot of em. You can check them out all over social media, their website and music sharing sites – but you really ought to get a hold of them for a Newbound CD – I really like their debut EP. More importantly, go check them out at their show at the end of the month, on March 30, at PB&J’s opening for the I Set My Friends on Fire tour. It will be worth it.
Also joining us this week is one of the Rev’s favorite people in the world: Reno comic, drinking buddy and purveyor of fine flannels, the lovely and talented Vickie Gordon. In addition to busting chops, Vickie is also on the show to promote next weekend’s Ladies of Laughter Comedy Show. Hosted by Sally Mauldin, and with special guests Vickie Gordon and Josie Spadoni, the Ladies of Laughter (LOL!) comedy show stars none other than Kat Simmons, an internationally featured comedian and public speaker. It’s a pretty solid lineup, laugh-o-philes; go see some real comedy at a show!
Hella. It’s good to be back.
Thanks for Listening!
(oh yeah – there’s a new intern – Fake Rick)