kittenhead la
Kittenhead on Marianarchy Eve – S10 E36

What is with the ups, mofos? Being awesome and taking care of your own, that’s what’s up. That’s why we have, at long last, Kittenhead on the podcast this week. These good friends from the Bay and LA are headlining Day one of Emergency Marianarchy this weekend and we are pleased as punch to have them on the show.

Only Dede and Kivi join us on the show, due to scheduling conflicts, but it bears mentioning that Kittenhead has not practiced or played since the beginning of the pandemic in March. They got together specifically to record the videos they submitted to the Emergency Marianarchy, simply because they love the shit out of Jub Jub’s, individually and as a band.

Kittenhead has long been a friend of Marianarchy and many of us on the podcast, professionally and personally, for many years. It really is a treat to get to have them on the show – one good thing to come out of the Age of Covid is our ability to still carry on the show with friends and musicians who live further away. Not ideal, nor what we want the show to be, but getting to interview some great friends is second best to having them play here live.
We hope you join us for Marianarchy at 6pm on Friday and 6pm on Saturday.
Thanks for listening and Fuck Your Day.
Verbal Kint – Dancing Bear – S5 E13

GitUP wit cha git down!
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E13
It’s been a long time coming, but we have some true Reno music superstars in the studio with us this week – Jammal Tarkington and Ryan Hall of Verbal Kint! Yeah, that’s right! These guys have been rocking Reno stages for decades. Easily well known for other projects (Cranium, Keyser Soze), Tarkington and Hall have always has this secret, other side; place for original songs or covers that didn’t fit with the other bands. Verbal Kint has always been this rogue acoustic vagabond of an act, popping up when you least expect them.
It’s a fun and exciting show we have for you this week. We go to a phone call with Mitch of Heffe’s Saloon in Lafayette, LA to get a status report about the Vampirates. Evidently, the show was fantastic. Not entirely sure. Mitch was a few drinks into his evening (much later in the evening out there) and the phone connection is, well a cell phone connection. Reverend Rory totally mis-translates him at the end. It’s awesome. Mikie Haley and Penny Scillin of The Shames sotp by with cake for Mikie’s birthday too!
We would be remiss if we did not mention Marianarchy as well. Nick, I and especially Rhiannon want to thank everyone who came out, every one who worked and everyone who played. We raised over $2,500 for Rhiannon last weekend and that is priceless. All the bands were fantastic, with both of the headliners, Sit Kitty Sit and Kittenhead, killing it each day. I wanted to take the time to give them both a littl e live show pub, so here goes:
Complimenting their bold and tempestuous music, the live performances of Sit Kitty Sit are a passionate and wildly exciting experience. Between songs, Thompson’s quiet wit and Downs’ easy charm draw audiences in before blasting their souls with their powerful music. During songs, the room is filled with an onslaught of soaring vocals and wild abandon. Thompson batters away at his skins like an unstoppable monster while Downs thrashes wildly about, posing and pointing her bare feet like a ballet dancer. Like corks adrift in a sea storm, fans sway and dance, rising and falling with the music, caught in the maelstrom and intensity of a Sit Kitty Sit performance.
Like a molten tidal wave, Kittenhead slams into the audience from the first chord of the first song, sending waves of pure riot into the crowd. Kivi Kittenhead, blasts and berates the audience, slowly stripping off layers of leather, vinyl, white cotton and plaid pleats throughout the set. DD and VJJ wildly careen around the stage, challenging and dueling each other, trading bass and guitar back and forth. O-Face, well – he jus tloves his job, holding down the fort on the drums, with the best seat in the house. The punk rock frenzy of Kittenhead spins and churns and whips up to a chaotic release, like a lid flying off a blender on high. And we are spent.
Thanks for listening!