kat downs
Sit Kitty Sit – Hot Karl Bach – S6 E20

The Worst Little Podcast – S6 E19
They are back and in perfect form – ladies and gentlemen, our good friends, Sit Kitty Sit!! Mike Thompson and Kat Downs are back in the studio for their yearly pilgrimage to Dogwater Studios – and this year, it was just for fun! They literally came to Reno to be on our podcast and play the most amazing songs for us to share with you! That not only includes the new track “Creeping”, but also a completely new, unrecorded track!!! (SKS fans should be changing their underwear right about now….twice)
The show is kind of a mess – but its always a good mess with SKS. The first 40 minutes are literally just hanging out with them and saying hello. Jump ahead if you want – they then play a block of 4(?) songs, ripping into us with the opening songs of their current set. FUCK! They’re so good! Sit Kitty Sit is jut moments (or weeks) away from heading back out to the East Coast to do an end of summer tour in Mike’s homeland. It’s a little ‘open ended’ of a tour, so if you know of a venue that needs them in the NE US, just hit them up on Facebook the night before you want them there. I’m sure it’ll be no problem.
The most interesting things happen to these folks. It’s not just cause they know how to find the coolest things; they create an atmosphere for cool things to happen to them. We all should be a little more like Sit Kitty Sit. Drink the Kool-Aid.
And thanks for Listening.
Sit Kitty Sit – Working Without a Net – S5 E22

I love my friends!
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E22
It’s always great to work with your friends and this week is chock full of Friends of the Show! In studio, we once again have the incomparable, Sit Kitty Sit, a hard piano rock band from San Francisco. Kat and Mike routinely play shows up here, for Marianarchy, for Starfleet and the USO and just for fun. It was soooo good to see them again this weekend while they lounged at the luxurious Dogwater Manor like rockstars.
Other friends on the show – Chewie was back in the studio again this week, but Nick was not. Mr Ramirez was attending a hoity toity birthday party in honor of the talented and prolific Reno painter, Greg Allen. Greg is, as you may know, the beneficiary of last year’s Marianarchy. We have a great phone interview with him wishing him a happy birthday.
Also, at the beginning of the show is an open letter from WLP Booking Manager, Jamie Lynn, about another Marianarchy beneficiary, Tom Plunkett. Tommy took very ill over the weekend and was admitted to the ICU and put on life support. I’m happy to let you know that, at the time of this posting, Tom is lucid and eating and drinking on his own, albeit limitedly. Tommy has a long road of recovery ahead of him, again, so please keep him in your thoughts.
And finally, while The Rev had to duck out to go set up the Blazing Mics open mic night at Jub Jub’s, Lucas Young and Kyler Mosconi stop by the show and crash it at the end!
Thanks for Listening!