Just Nick

Merkin: Don’t Ask What This Song Is About – S3 E12

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Season 03
Merkin: Don't Ask What This Song Is About - S3 E12

Holy audio overload, Batman!

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S03 E12

Greetings, Worsters! Lovely to see you today. Are you having a good day? Does this seem a little weird? It should, because I’m buttering you up before you get into the hot ear mess that is this week’s episode. We have Merkin in the studio and the boys do not disappoint. They record a couple songs for the first time EVAR here on the podcast.

Dane DeLucci of Merkin with his mouth open on The Worst Little Podcast

Dane – always with the talking…

Other Highlights include:

  • Dane drinking Reverend Rory’s Coffee
  • Dane and Alán arguing
  • Dane talking too loud
  • Dane tuning his guitar
  • And so on…

It’s a good thing these boys are talented, because this show is just a trainwreck!

Alan Burton of Merkin on The Worst Little Podcast 20130 4 22

Burton – ask for it by name


Jeremy Morrow of Merkin on The Worst Little Podcast, pretending to drink rice out of a water bottle shaker

Jeremy – pounding rice

It’s not actually as bad as all that – Merkin is a fun bunch of guys that we love and it was great to have them back on the show (mostly). We also spend a few minutes with new friend of the show, Will C! Will is a good ol’ boy from MissouRAH, like The Rev. He took a few to warm up and then dove right into the show with a couple zingers. Will C will be appearing at the Pioneer Underground this Friday and Saturday for three shows. A veteran as well as funnyman, Will C informs us that the shows will be a fundraiser to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project, so get out there and support a great cause while you laugh and drink.

Photo of Will C sitting in a recliner wearing a red cape, green bow tie, brown cowboy boots and nothing else while holding a bible in his lap, staring off camera

Comedian Will C – as featured on the show

And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the other white elephant in the room – Another Return of Chewie!!!! It’s good to have our boy back!

The Reverend’s Show Picks of the Week:
Friday – Creative Coalition Midtown Block Party (Midtown)
Saturday – The Kanes Black Magic CD release party (The Knit)

Anyway, Thanks For Listening!!!

Josh Martin's face in a heart

We missed you, Chewie