jub jub’s thirst parlor
Kittenhead on Marianarchy Eve – S10 E36

What is with the ups, mofos? Being awesome and taking care of your own, that’s what’s up. That’s why we have, at long last, Kittenhead on the podcast this week. These good friends from the Bay and LA are headlining Day one of Emergency Marianarchy this weekend and we are pleased as punch to have them on the show.

Only Dede and Kivi join us on the show, due to scheduling conflicts, but it bears mentioning that Kittenhead has not practiced or played since the beginning of the pandemic in March. They got together specifically to record the videos they submitted to the Emergency Marianarchy, simply because they love the shit out of Jub Jub’s, individually and as a band.

Kittenhead has long been a friend of Marianarchy and many of us on the podcast, professionally and personally, for many years. It really is a treat to get to have them on the show – one good thing to come out of the Age of Covid is our ability to still carry on the show with friends and musicians who live further away. Not ideal, nor what we want the show to be, but getting to interview some great friends is second best to having them play here live.
We hope you join us for Marianarchy at 6pm on Friday and 6pm on Saturday.
Thanks for listening and Fuck Your Day.
Jub Jub and The Riptide Bandits – Bittersweet – S10 E33

What a fucking week. I’m personally still processing a lot of things that have happened, personally and publicly, as I’m sure many of you are too.
For this week’s episode, we are joined by some of the creators and founders and owners of Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor, Brian Smith, Faith Zayumeyer, Josh Smith and Lew Zaumeyer. From the playa to Wells Avenue, it’s a wild, passionate telling of a story and borderline meltdown that Jess Blaze would be proud of.

In an unprecedented decision, Marianarchy is going to put on an Emergency Marianarchy to help Jub’s out, in light of the difficulties in owning a venue in 2020. Furthermore, this October surprise will replace the traditional Winterball. Because we need to make it happen for our family, our home. If you are interest in helping, please check out the event page, donate on the GoFundMe page, or to donate art, merch or DIY goods, email keepjubsartailve@gmail.com.

Sadly, it was not all fun and drinking games this week. Reno lost a good friend and talented musician this weekend. Grouch. A guitarist for many Reno bands including The Riptide Bandits and Voted Best Band, Grouch was a beloved member of the Reno music and art community. His sudden passing is an incredible shock. All the music this week is from The Riptide Bandits, much of it from their unreleased second album, recorded here at Dogwater Studios. We hope you enjoy it.
Life is short; we love you. Tell your friends and family you love them.
Thanks for listening.
Satellite Serenade – Happy Turkey Day, Turkey – S4 E38

Gobble Gobble!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E38 – Download Link
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We are all enjoying a day with our families, and if you’re listening to the podcast on Turkey Day itself, well, have a drink with us too! We are all so thankful that we have been able to bring this show to you for the better part of four years and feature all sorts of sides of the Reno music scene.
This week, we have Satellite Serenade, a Reno alt-pop duo. Satellite Serenade features the always fun Margy Ford on vocals and the talents of Jon Cornell backing her up on vocals and guitar. Jon and Margy have played together many times before in other projects, but this is their first time as a dynamic duo and they are mindblowing. Great songwriting and strong vocals are a hallmark of this young band.
We also make a few calls on the episode. First we talk to Joe Atack about his upcoming show at Bruka Theater, Ham for the Holidays. It’s a fun farce about the holidays and an old timey radio station – a true nerdfest for all of you audiophiles. The interview is during a rehearsal and the cast passes around the phone and we are treated to some interviews with the characters themselves. Ham will open on 12/5/14.
We also have a chat with our favorite mentalist, Xelena Empress of the Impossible! She treats us to a few feats over the phone, but is she always right? Listen for more! YOu can also check her out at the next Blazing Mics and see if you can win her $500 prediction challenge – she picked next Monday’s football game and is putting a parlay card, among other valuables, on the line.
Our family keeps growing and we welcome, Cole the Honkey to the show as Rick’s newest intern. But enough about him. If you want to catch Satellite Serenade, they will be playing at Marianarchy in just a few weeks. Chek them out and support a local artist at the same time!
Thanks for Listening.
Vague Choir – Something Something – S4 E32

Is there a such thing as post post rock?
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E32
Hey everybody! It’s a fantastic week here on The Worst Little Podcast, well for most of us. Dogwater Dick got some bad news this week – very distressing, but nothing permanent – listen in the first five minutes to find out why!?! Mark Earnest says, “If you can make it through the first seven minutes, you’re a braver man than I!” Mark is the lead singer and guitar player for Vague Choir. You remember Mark, right? Old friend of the show from the first season!
Mark is joined by his soulmates, Marcus Mayhall (bass) and Jason Thomas (drums). Contrary to what Reverend Rory thought popular belief, Marcus and Jason have never appeared on the show! Yet another Worst Little Podcast First! Which is funny since we bring you another Worst Little Podcast EXCLUSIVE! Vague Choir’s first set is some previously unrecorded (released?) songs that didn’t make it to their first album.
Speaking of albums, if you are in a local band, don’t forget to bring copies of your album to Discology, the final real record store in Reno. They want to have a large and vibrant local music section, but can’t do it until enterprising young musicians like yourselves stop by and drop off some merch! Support local music and local business all in one fell swoop!
Vague Choir does have a show happening this Saturday, October 11 at Monolith Bar, with out-of-towners Fortune Club and dj Tigerbunny. Please check these badasses out in person.
And as always, Thanks for Listening.
Sit Kitty Sit – (Don’t Touch The) Crackly Bottom – S4 E25

Bing Bang Boom!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E 26 – Download Link
OMG This was such an awesome show. Good good GOOD friends of the Show, Sit Kitty Sit, drove up to Reno from the Bay Area just to be on the podcast. Kat Downs Gaudette and Mike Thompson are a killer two-piece band that will blow your mind. They started playing shows up here in Reno about a year ago and fell in love with the audiences and venues of our fine city. You can’t keep them away now!
Sit Kitty Sit is keyboard, drums and phenomenal singing. A truly unique act they can and have played with everyone from solo guitarists to full on metal hardcore bands. They first played up here with Lucas Young, a previous guest on the show and great guy who just HAPPENED to also stop by the studio this week to say ‘Hi!’. Sit Kitty Sit ended up staying at Dogwater Studios that weekend and Rick and Kat and Mike all fell in musical love. Since then, they’ve remained in contact with us and played a few more shows in the Sierras. What you get today is just a little taste of their amazing live show. Super fun, witty and talented, you don’t want to miss the,
Before I sign off, I just want to remind everyone of the big Nowhere Nevada show at Jub Jub’s this Friday, August 8. With 12 local bands featured in the movie, and film clips being shown all night long, this is something you don’t want to miss! It’s a fundraiser to help the cast and crew go to San Jose for the red carpet film fest that the movie has been selected to be in. Please come out to support Reno art and culture!
Thanks for Listening!
Avenue Q – A Totally Different Neighborhood – S4 E 21

Well, hi, kids!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E22 – Download Link
Do you like fun? We hope you like fun! You can spell fun, right? G-E-T-T-I-N-G-H-I-G-H spells fun! In an unprecedented show, we have a number of members of the cast from the Tahoe Players’ production of Avenue Q! Cast members Princeton, Kate Monster, Nicky and a couple of Bad Idea Bears join us for the show. They are an interesting bunch – a little on the creepy side though, and not just because they are puppets. Surprisingly, Nicky gets the lowest score on the quiz that we’ve ever had on the show EVER!
Later in the show, the wonderful puppeteer and acting talent of Sarah Turner (Girl Bad Idea Bear), Tarek Barghouti (Princeton), Melissa Barusch (Kate Monster), Joanna Dunlap (Nicky) and Shawna Hafen (Boy Bad Idea Bear) join us in the studio. They’re a great bunch and we had a lot of fun talking to them on the show and listening to some of their songs, as accompanied by friend of the show, Tristan Selzler, on the ivories.
Late in the show we take a call from The Vampirates on the road. Chris Fox tells us a finny story form their time in The Sunshine State that you can also read all about here!
TEMPO – Marching to a Twisted Beat – S4 E16

Aloha, Mr. Hand!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E17 Download Link
Hey, kids! It’s a loud talky show from the beginning on, but TEMPO – Adam Springob, Glynn Osburn and Misha Bardashov – steps up to the challenge and delivers some really kick ass music. Despite their rookie status as a band, these seasoned and talented musicians put together a really polished sound.
TEMPO has played a number of big shows and with a lot of local headliners in the past few months. They are looking forward to a hopefully busy season of show playing this summer after they finish recording their EP cassette tape. Oh, yeas.
Lots of great stuff coming up in the next few weeks! Including Jenny Pez DeSpencer’s live comedy album recording and Monsters and Elves, hosted by Reverend Rory Dowd, both on Saturday May 31. Further out, Rev. Rory will be doing a one hour ‘variety show’ at the NNNLA’s Impact 2014 at Tronix on June 7 and hosting the Vaud Villan Freak Show, a fundraiser for Evil Dead The Musical The Reno Edition at Jub Jub’s on June 14! Checkout the links for more!
Thanks for Listening.
Dan Harmann and Kye Hillig – Hello, Travellers! – S4 E15

Bands not from Reno???? *gasp*
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E16
So, what do you do when some guys from out of town show up and want to play your show? Put them on a podcast! Enter Daniel G. Harmann and Kye Alfred Hillig. We had a bit of a time crunch this week, but you may remember that we talked to a couple guys on the phone last week. Well, this week, they came even closer and stopped at Dogwater Studios!
On tour for a whirlwind trip including Modesto, Boise and Reno, these two troubadours with a troubled past played a show at St. James Infirmary right after the podcast, like motherfucking rock stars. It’s really a shame that Kye Hillig and Dan Harmann don’t live closer, because we had a great time with them. I almost wish I could talk more shit (about Dan’s big head, or that Kye looks a little bit like Tootsie) but they were really cool guys! I’d love to pick their brain a little longer.
I would be remiss and usually am if I didn’t mention the guy who out this all together. Brian Jackson, the man behind the camera, videos, media and booking, reached out to us out of the blue and made this happen. He wouldn’t stop messaging me, even when I tried really hard to ignore him. Thanks to him, I had a great show this week!
Ok, I’m just making words up now. Time to end this. But one final thing I want to mention is “So Say we All”, a Dance Dance Technoqueer Revolution! This edgy event “aims to explore ideas of identity. Who are we? Where do we belong? Where is our place in the more-than-human community? One of the fundamental questions we ask repeatedly is, “Are you alive?” Using Battlestar Galactica, post-feminist theory, and cyborg analysis as a framework to examine ideas about sex and gender, “So Say We All”challenges us to reconcile with the ‘other’as we pursue our rightful place in the Universe.”
I’m intrigued. Organized by the Great Basin Movement Project and featuring DJ Heidilicious, “So Say We All” will run this week, May 23-25, at Valley Arts. Check out the event page!
Oh, and Chewie’s back.
Thanks for Listening!
Myke Read – Foulmouthed Little Country Boy – S4 E15

The password is: Inebriation
Now with MORE NSFW !!!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E15 Download Link
Hey Kids! How’s it going out there in the real world? That bad? Well, pull up a stool and listen to to some powerful depressin’ songs by this week’s guest, Myke Read, and feel better about yourself. Myke is better known for playing with the Infecto Skeletons, but recently he’s made a venture into the world of country music, acoustic guitars and prison songs. Chekkout how purty Myke Read sings.
Also in studio is Jenny PezDespencer, talking about her upcoming comedy show at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor. She will be recording a live album at this show, so it’s going to be a lot of fun! Listen in for the BIG CONTEST to win tickets to this live comedy album recording of Jenny PezDespencer, one of our favorite Reno comics.
Jeff Done, bright eyed and bushy tailed, hangs out with us during the show too. It’s good to see Jeff.
We3 also have a brief phone call with next week’s guests, Dan Harmann and Ky Alfred Hillig. Both hail from Washington and will be playing at St. James Infirmary on Monday 5/19, just after coming onto the podcast to record with us! Fun guys on the phone, we can’t wait to hang out and give them the Worst Little Quiz next week – they’ll have no idea (unless they read this. which they won’t.) Take a sec to chekkout their music ans stop by the show!
Finally, lets not forget about this weekend – MARIANARCHY X – Friday, May 16th and Saturday May 17th. 30+ bands in two days! We’ve been raising money for 10 years to help out our Reno family and artists and non-profits, in honor of the late Marianne Psota, with huge support from the community. THis year’s beneficiaries are Keely Davis, a little girl with Down’s Syndrome, and Emily Reese, Reno teacher and personality on the Reno Tahoe Tonight Show on Nevada Matters and Renegade Radio, who was recently diagnosed with cancer after already having beaten it into submission. As we say around Maryanarchy, “Fuck Your Cancer!”, and now “Fuck Your Syndrome” joins the catalogue of Jub-isms. It is going to be another great show this year. Please come out and help us make a difference in someone’s life, once again.
Thanks for Listening!
Whitebulbs – Folking Punks – S4 E14

“I think it’s time to climax.”
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E14 – Download Link
Constant Companion, Nick Ramirez, hops in the driver’s seat this week while Dogwater Studios plays host to Whitebulbs an Americana/folk/punk band from Reno NV. Aaron Foelsch, Kyle Dazey, Zach Compton, Ken Shepherd and Andy Pavlu crash the studio with their high-energy music. Rev. Rory was out with a case of being a parent, so I don’t have a whole lot to say about the show. It’s weird to listen, but Nick did a good job in my stead.
These guys start us with a barbershop lullaby, but shortly thereafter kick things into high gear. I for one can’t wait to see Whitebulbs live and in action some night soon. They are an active band with facebook and reverbnation pages as well as their own website. They’ve been playing out a lot with some great bands and have a bunch of other shows lined up in the near future. Check them out!
Well, it’s a fun episode – listen already!
And thanks for listening!
PS Nate the intern. don’t think I’m not paying attention to where your balls have been. Retribution will be had when you least expect it.