john bigby
Idol Smasher – Micro Suede – S5 E27

[un-witty exclamation thing here]
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E27 – Download Link
Warning: This episode is jam packed full of awesome. First, our guest – Idol Smasher, a Reno metal band that includes a member of the Dogwater family. Nate Sanders, Assistant Engineer on extended hiatus, is the guitarist for this wicked ripper of a band; he brings with him, his drummer, Tyrus Legg, and lead screech owl, John Bigby. John brings with him, his lovely, but mute, girlfriend Nessie – another Worst Little Podcast first! Never in five seasons has a guest brought a S.O. into the studio and made out with them throughout the entire episode, but here on Episode 201, we bring it to you. Like seriously, with tongue, and slurping and full-nipple.I do apologize in advance. Really, it’s great.
They did not, however, bring a bass player. His name was Alec or Axl or Alix or something metal-y. He fails. He’s a bass player and missed the show. I don’t care if he was rescuing puppies. But it’s cool. The rest of the group was cool as hell. Idol Smasher has a lot of shows coming up in the near future; we suggest you check them out if you are of the metal persuasion.
We didn’t even have time to ask around the guys what they did for the weekend! There was so much going on with the band and some surprise guests…
“Surprise guests?” you ask? That’s right! Fresh off the road after 10 months and 20,000 miles, KARMA has returned to Reno! Greg Gilmore, Michelle Belle and Carter Stellon all stopped by the studios to surprise Dogwater Dick in the afternoon and he just set up a shit-load of microphones so everyone could play. It was really really good to see our old friends again. We didn’t get into it too much with them this week, so as not to disrespect the actual guest, Idol Smasher, but they are booked for an upcoming episode, so please stay tuned!
We didn’t get into it too much with them this week, so as not to disrespect the actual guest, Idol Smasher, but they are booked for an upcoming episode, so please stay tuned!
You can welcome KARMA back to town at their big big homecoming show next weekend, Oct 17th at Singer Social Club.
Thanks for Listening!
Victims of the Cave – Hardcore Tapeworm – S5 E1

“I am NOT retarded!” and do NOT have a tapeworm!
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E1 <– Download Link
Welcome to the next level, superfans!! It’s the start of a whole new season! Connor Martin, Gary Day, Gabe Day, John Bigby and Tyrus Legg from Victims of the Cave invade Dogwater Studios in its final days and blast through a great podcast with the guys. Everyone but Rev. Rory – who legit had the flu and is still sick RIGHT NOW as he laboriously types this up.
Largely a bunch of Reno boys, this metal band has been active in the Reno/Sparks metal and hardcore scene for a few years and are getting a lot of great exposure and some following – that will change as soon as this episode leaks, but good luck to ’em anyway! Thoughtful and polite, they are fine upstanding citizens This bunch of foulmouthed motherfuckers were a lot of fun to talk to. How do I know this? because I actually listened to the whole show! That’s how I know Gary broke the Namaste Meter and Chewie was fucking with my sound effects and doing them all wrong!
I’m still sick, like I said and am totally over this. But I do love you all. Check out Victims of the Cave if you are into the METAL BANDS! Because they are Metal As Fuck, representin’ Reno NV
Thanks for Listening!