Jake weatherill
Kissing the Gunner’s Daughter – S1 E34

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 34
Some bands are just meant to rock. Others are rippers. The Gunner’s Daughter is one of those bands. We told them that they couldn’t have a full drum kit; they told us they were bringing one anyway. We told them to play live songs live; they cut a live album for us. Tyson Vlahovich, Jake Weatherill and Scott Loring don’t fuck around when it comes to rock and roll.
Great stuff happening in Reno, including the Zombie Crawl, a Greg Allen art opening and more. Listen to the show or just get your face out from behind a computer and do it! This town is only as great as we make it. Go wash your car, go to the museum, give a dollar to a hopeless cause. It’s all the little details that make Reno a liveable place. Keep it up!
And finally congratulations to Reverend Rory – he’s finished with his graduate coursework and now just needs to sit back and let the job offers roll in!