Irma Geddon
(Un)Discovered 2012 Recap – S2 E18

The Worst Little Podcast – 2012 06 04
No show = Our Show!
Due to a communication crisis, or guests were not able to make it to the studio this week. Not sure if they even knew to be here. If you’re a regular show go-er in Reno, listen close and see if you can pick up what we’re puttin’ down. It’s REALLY subtle.
Fortunately, though, it gave us the opportunity to just talk and talk and talk about the (Un)Discovered 2012 show last weekend. It was a blast and that’s about all I’ll say here – we talk way too much about it during the episode. It also gave Chewie the opportunity to come through like he always does with some archival recordings of some questionable great Reno bands from yesteryear. We have recordings of The Princes of Pork; Dirty Steve; Mike, Tyson and Tommy; and the big bad Brian Knopf! They’ll all kick you in the teeth and send you running home to your bronies.
Also, Justan Hoover joins us in studio to not really talk much at all. He was kind of an actually boring guest… until we got to the quiz. Justan really brought it when it came to a couple of the quiz questions, beating off out Chewie by a slim margin. We also got our occasional weekly update from The Vampirates who are on their whirlwind U.S. tour. They played at a place called the Murder Basement. It’s not a club. It’s really some punk basement. With a name. About murder. I wish I was as cool as Dave Masud.
We had a lot of fun. Even if it was just rehashing things we did 48 hours earlier and listening to the music of the 90s. Not sure if you will (yes I am… pshhhht… this show is always awesome!), but there are a lot of stories from the weekend that are pretty fucked up at the least. Love ya, Felix! Love ya, DaKodiak! BIG BIG THANKS to the sound crew and the food crew and the cleanup crew and the musicians and everyone that came out…. but especially THE SOUND AND FOOD CREWS!!!!
Thanks for listening!
Remembering the Lodge – S2 E7

Worst Little Podcast -> Download Link <- S02 Ep06
We finally fucking got them!!!!!
…and they are fucking rad.
Before I get into the show, we do want to take a moment to remember Rev. Gary Setzer, a dynamic piece of the Reno Music scene for many years. His battle with throat cancer came to an end on March 7 and a hole appeared in our lives. There will be a memorial for Gary on Sunday March 27 at Jon A’s Nugget. Details can be found on his Facebook page (follow the hyperlink). Marianarchy 2012 will also be a benefit for his surviving family. Make sure you come out and dig deep to take care of our own. Now back to the show!
Memory Motel is Chris ‘CJ’ Gibson (Guitar, Lead Vocals, Banjo, Cello), Sam Ashlock (Bass, Synth, Charango, Vocals, Soul) and Ben Ashlock (Drums). I first saw these guys at the Reno Block party at Wingfield Park last summer. Their music was pretty phenomenal – all over the road, sincere, tight and great execution. Then, at the end of the set, CJ smashed his fucking guitar. For real. On stage. Cut his hand open and was bleeding. I thought to myself – Who does that?? I also thought – I NEED them on the podcast. It only took 9 months, but here we finally are. Chris did NOT smash a guitar on the episode mostly because Rick vetoed it on account of all his expensive mics but we still have a lot of fun.
As we like to track our ‘firsts’, this is the first time we have had an underage band on the show. That’s right – none of these boys are even old enough to get a drink. Ben is barely old enough to drive a car!!! We hope we didn’t make them say anything that is going to get them in too much trouble with their parents, teachers, prospective girlfriends, doctors, police or tax collector. And if we did – so what – welcome to the “rock and troll” lifestyle. boys!!! Really though, do NOT let their age deceive you, these are three of the hottest young musical talents in town. Memory Motel is one of the most complicated and excellent bands in Reno right now. Check out their next gig at The Studio on 4th on March 24th. Hell, check out their project to do a vinyl 7″!
I also want to wish a very belated birthday to Webmaster Burks! Happy 30-something, faggot! We couldn’t do this without your help maintaining it all!
And a big TANKS to our newest production assistant, Irma Geddon! She is helping Dogwater Dick behind the scenes as well.
Thanks for Listening!
Memorial Day Meltdown – S1 E18

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 018
This episode is such a bad idea….
What a day, what a day! This week’s Worst Little Podcast in the World is a special episode – the first of a two-part investigative journalism expose booze fest in the studio! We FINALLY have finished compiling your picks for the Top Ten All-Time Reno Bands and present the first half of that list This episode with more to come next week. We actualy recorded two episodes this week so that Rick could take some time off for a vacation next week. Part one includes 7 Seconds, Fall Silent, The Shames, Orange Peel, B.O.H.J., War Maggots, Keyser Soze
Since it was such a special show, we opened up our doors to a lot of people this week and it’s kind of a madhouse. We have Squeak, Christine Irma Geddon, and Jess Blaze form Guerilla Productions on talking about bringing live music back to Burning Man and their upcoming Reno Block Party. Part one includes 7 Seconds, Fall Silent, The Shames, Orange Peel, B.O.H.J., War Maggots, Keyser Soze
Felix Polanski and Bullet Bar Dave stop in to share the libations. Da Kodiak and Cerrybear Jess are in the house too. Nick gets all loosey goosey and plays musical microphones all hour and Rory slowly looses his shit as he looses control. No time for the Worst Quiz Ever – we gots too much music and booze to get to! Part one includes 7 Seconds, Fall Silent, The Shames, Orange Peel, B.O.H.J., War Maggots, Keyser Soze
Also, we talk up the BEST event happening in the Washoe Valley this weekend – the (Un)Discovered 2011 Backyard BBQ! We throw a rockshow in Rick’s backyard. Free all-day event, the whole city is invited, come see some of your favorite local bands and get you some barbecue! Listen to the whole episode to find out the address – hell, think of this podcast as your personal, gold embossed invitation.
And, as always, thanks for listening.