hella fitzgerald
Hella Fitzgerald – Swing in Your Step – S4 E4

Happy Day, campers!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S4 E4
Welcome aboard Worst Little Airlines. Just sit back, relax and trust your fine pilots for the smoothest podcast you’ve ever heard… Now that you’re finished laughing, please enjoy the in-flight entertainment!
We bring you Hella Fitzgerald! Songbird Lily Baran and ivory tickler Tristan Selzler throw down a little session at the studio this week. Performing intermittently around town for the last few years, Hella Fitzgerald is a Reno jazz combo that coalesces out of strains of melodies in the air whenever they are needed.
These fine performers flip Dogwater Dick’s lid – you can nearly hear him peeing his pants after their first song. They throw down a selection of jazz standards and modern transpositions, a little change of pace for us. Once again -WLP bringing you exciting new content every week!
In addition to Hella Fitzgerald, Baran and Selzler are busy folk. Selzler sits in and regularly performs at clubs and bars around Reno with different jazz combos. Baran is a major part of the operations at Tahoe Players, a performing arts facility for young people in Incline Village that regularly entertains audiences around the Reno/Tahoe area.
Also – go visit Reno Computer Fix. Cause I said so.
Thanks for listening!