heidi Adkins
Salythian – Metal AF – S7 E30

Oh, hi. Welcome to this week’s Heaviest Little Podcast!
Worst Little Podcast S7 E30 – Download Link
This week we have the talented AF dudes from Reno metal-core band, Salythian. These Reno natives laid some serious rock and roll on us here at Dogwater Studio. Not only are they seriously accomplished musicians, they’re social media wizards. Listen up to hear how they do the thing they do.

Tell Gresko – Bass

Amar Barboza – Drums
This mostly instrumental trio is made up of Amar Barboza- (Drums), Tell Gresko- (Bass), and Dawson Copeland- (Guitar).

Dawson Copeland – Guitar

Thanks to the band for being on the show! We had a great time interviewing you three and we’ll be looking out for your upcoming shows. Follow them on Facebook so you can too! Salythian rocks. Literally.
In other news, I would like to give a shout out to Headquarters Bar and to the bands that played Saturday night to raise money for the victims of the Las Vegas shooting. SWIGS, One Ton Dually, and Riptide Bandits slayed that room and raised $360. If you haven’t visited Headquarters yet, get your tail down there. It is Reno As Fuck in the best way. If you’re inclined to help your fellow Renoites make downtown greater than ever, head over to their fundraiser page. There are some pretty sweet rewards, but really, the only reward I need is HQ staying open so I can see more rad shows like Saturday night’s.
This week your to do list includes some kick ass shows, and one incredibly bizarre event staring Cory Feldman. Weren’t expecting that, were ya… Check out my picks for the week:
Reno’s favorite folk/Americana music venue, Pignic Pub & Patio, turns 3 this Thursday. Show up for a $10 Pig Roast Dinner and $20 All You Can Drink Pints, as well as $4 Wells & Cocktail Specials. Six Mile Station will be filling your ear holes with some crazy great music. Event details here! 5 p.m. 21+
The T Sisters from Oakland, joined by Dainesly and Rachel McElhiney of Failure Machine and Buster Blue, perform in Reno as a benefit for Emily Reese on October 12th at The Saint. Doors at 6 p.m. 21+ $15
At the Holland Project see one of my FAVORITE acts, Pinegrove, joined by Florist & Lomelda. Info here! 7 p.m. All ages. $14
You have two chances to see this seasons best burlesque show at Studio on 4th Friday and Saturday! See Hellbound Beauty at 7 p.m. 21+ $20
Our friends at Headquarters bar are throwing a Friday the 13th Stranger Things party. Go to the upside down if you are so inclined. 10 p.m. 21+ No cover.
Reno is about to throw some weird your way with the Corey Feldmen and the Angels show at Faces NV this weekend. Show up for some real strange times with a former child star, some drag queens, and some great comedy from local Aubry Forston. 7 p.m. 21+ $30
Tunetrax is partnering with Reno Mural Expo to present Scott Pemberton Band and Silver for a Rock n’ Roll good time. Doors 8:30 p.m. 21+
Gina Rose is playing at the Holland Project with Girlpool and Palm. That’s some serious girl power right there. Details here. 7 p.m. All ages. $12
Join Weapons of Mass Creation, in partnership with Reno Mural Expo, Good Luck Macbeth and Tunetrax, as they preview a one of a kind hip-hopera for the release of Generation WE Vol. I . Show dates for this new play will be announced soon. There’s already plenty of buzz about this. Go see for yourself. Free.
There’s a lot of great shit happening in Reno. Get out and see some of it!
Thanks for listening!
DJ Heidilicious: Put on Your Dancin’ Shoes – S2 E33

I could talk to this woman all damn day.
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E31
Hey, friends! It’s good to see you again! Whether you are at work, at home, Portland or Zanzibar, I hope you’re ready for some face-melting fabulousness. DJ Heidilicious came by to stomp on the studio this week and knows how to party, bringing her signature box o’ Franzia with her and getting us a little wine buzzy. She’s been really active in the Reno EDM scene this last year, playing clubs, promoting friends and organizing shows. Heidilicious is down for the scene and thinks it’s time for the scene to get down. We’ve never had a DJ like her on before and it was fun to watch her work.
DJ Heidilicious is also a part of the Reno Sound Collective, a group of local DJs that are putting on shows together sometimes at your club or other times at the house down the street. I personally really enjoyed watching them on Ustream a few weeks ago when I was at home doing laundry and housecleaning. To borrow a phrase from the 80s and 90s, it was some dope-ass shit. Heidilicious gives us a few tastes of the sonic goodness – a teaser, if you will. Her beets will trickle right down to your feets, shakin’ those hips on the way down.
From the gang, Rick Nick and Rory all talk about their weekends (although Rick’s weekend is EASILY the best story). As usual, they scope out the coming weekend for you with some of their picks of shows to see. DJ Heidilicious also has some upcoming shows, so please support some local music and check her ass out. It’s a nice one. We aren’t afraid of the beats and neither should you be – get out ans see something different, hang out with people you don’t know – it could be fun.
Thanks for listening!