guerilla productions
Confetti Volcano for SCIENCE!!!! – S2 E21

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E19
Like a bunch of space monkeys! Or gorillas.
Hey ever’bodeee! What a wild week it’s been. Rory just got into town a few hours before the podcast this week, so he is flying high on re-acclimatizing, caffeine, booze and no sleep. It makes for some interesting…. things… he says… He gives a recap of his time in St. Louis where he dropped his lovely daughter off for the summer with his lovely and ROCKSTAR parents. He also inadvertently sets off a mild, but lively debate about religion AND politics between the WLP crew (so make sure you don’t listen to this at a bar). The guests did not want to touch that conversation with a 10 foot pole. they had their own shit to talk about…
Dan Ruby of the Wax Models, Crushstory and a few other local projects (like being the Director of Fleishman Planetarium, NBD) comes on the show to regale us with stories of SCIENCE!!!! Well, at least visiting Washington DC and buying NASA surplus at the click of a button. Dan has been a long-time member of the music scene in Reno (he just happens to have been smart enough to study something that got him a cool day job) and is here teasing an upcoming project. Dan, along with Mike Mechanic, J.T. and Chris Gibson, will be performing the live score to a silent film at the NMA on July 28th. This will be the culmination of the “Forage” bike tour event that Holland Project is putting on that day. It sounds pretty kick ass. He also brings a bunch of previously unreleased (except on the web) Wax models tracks that are a lot of fun – somewhere between Jonathan Coulton and TMBG.
Squeaks and Dianamite from Guerrilla Productions were on to plug some stuff too – they have this little event this year called the RENO BLOCK PARTY2, which you may have heard reference to here or there. It’s a great weekend lined up with EDM and live music and art and art cars. Reverend Rory will be emceeing the live stage at Wingfield park, so check it out. The day of fun is this Saturday, June 30 at 10 am. They also plug the upcoming after party with Nevada Backwards at Jub Jub’s, Warsaw Poland Brothers in July, and a benefit for Spike and Jackson on August 10.
SPEAKING OF WHICH – if anyone sees Spike’s truck driving around town without him in it – call the damn police!!! He had his house broken into and all his shit stolen, including guitars and his car keys.
And one last bit – it was brought to my attention that we have not give due credit where it is due- THANK YOU, FELIX POLANSKI!!! He designed the ad we have in the Reno Tahoe Tonight magazine. Hell, he’s designed our logo, our ad and is probably going to help with the T-Shirts when we get to it. THANK YOU FELIX (asshole).
Thanks for listening!
Trever Crow – And So the Crow Flies – S1 E47

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 47
DON’T FORGET THE LIVE SHOW!!!! FRIDAY 1/20!!!! Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor!!!! 8pm!!!!!
AVERSION THERAPY!!!!!! Prizes!!!!! Reno whores!!!!! Art-fags galore!!!! THE SHAMES!!!!
And now back to the show:
This week: Rick records bands! Nick is in bands! Rory pretends he knows! Chewie makes snarky comments!
We step out of our comfort zone this week and get some hip hop up in this studio that Dick built. Reno hip hop emcee and spoken word performer Trever Crow is making things happen around Reno, Sparks and the greater Washoe Valley. For starters he’s bringing back hip hop nights at The Alley in Sparks starting on January 27. This is all-ages and will be happening every month. On the show, we get some live Trevercrow backed up by beatboxing from the Nick Ramirez. Chekkit.
Also, Dogwater Dick shares with us some ancient Reno hip-hop that is some of the most offensive and literally gayest hip hop I have ever heard. I mean, really. seriously offensive – SRSLY! I’m talking about there-are-some-things-you-can’t-unhear kind of offensive. Artfully, so, but still. When we say that this show is generally NSFW, this track is NSF ANYWHERE! Eleventy!
So, it’s late. I incoherently ranted some yesterday. Here’s a show.
And thanks for listening.
The Burning Man Spectaculare! – S1 E28

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 028
I know I say it all the time, but we REALLY DO have a big show for you this week – burners and Elvis and music, oh my!
The show opens with some recordings from the Playaphone circa 1998. After the open, we take a moment to remember the awesomeness that is Elvis Aaron Presley. 34 years ago he became truly legendary, dying on the toilet with such a darkened complexion that the paramedics arriving on the scene thought he was ‘a black male’. We came for the music and stayed for the excess. Thanks, Elvis.
Our first guest is always awesome Kate Cotter. Kate has been one of the most hardworking and well-recieved singer/songwriters in Reno, mesmerising audiencies for more than a decade. We talk with her about her recent recordings, performances and upcoming events.
Then, on to Burning Man!!! The Dogwater Studios gets invaded by dirty hippies and artfags has the delight of hosting Jess Blaze, Mallory Mishler and a couple of other Burning Man specialists. It’s come to our attention that some people going to Burning Man may be interested in doing illegal drugs. Guess what people. It’s still part of America and all those drugs are still illegal. Doesn’t matter if you’re off in the desert. Rebecca Gasca of the Nevada ACLU has some great advice on how not to get busted in the first place, what to do if you are and how to deal with law enforcement on the playa. (Hint: it starts with ‘p’ and rhymes with ‘oliteness’.)
Burning Man ‘expert’ Dr. Cornelius Cumcough stops by with some really horrible advice about Burning Man. (He probably thinks there is still a bridge connecting the twin peaks of Mt. Kilomanjaro.) And FINALLY, the Digidelic Cowboy busts out on his digereedoo, inspiring an impromptu jam session with Nick Ramirez on the beatbox! Oh, and everyone gets the quiz, plus a suprise phone call from Cheyenne.
Thanks for Listening.
BONUS SHOW: And This Is Why You Shouldn’t Drink on the Air – S1 E19

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 019 BONUS EPISODE!!! EXTRA LONG!!!!
The saying goes, “No place to go but up from here.”
They’re wrong.
Part two includes music from Werm, Sprout, Mudsharks, Cranium, Phat Couch, The Atomiks, and Gunshot Licker
So this is Part Two of the Memorial Day Meltdown. I still say it’s a bad idea. BUT there is joy in mudville. In our first segment, (mostly) Rory talks with J-bot from Captured! By Robots. The mechanical tyrants have him out on a tour again, bruising his tender meaty appendages to lug them and their gear across this country. He will be finishing his latest tour this weekend in our fair mountains. Check him out on Friday 6/10 at Whiskey Dick’s in Tahoe or on Saturday 6/11 at Tonic in Reno. It should be a great show – The bots have some new tricks up their … cladding… and are ready to rip your faces off with rock and roll! … and titanum instrumentation.
Those shows will be around rock and roll time, so if you’re out and about in Reno on Saturday, come by Wingfield Park downtown. Guerilla Productions are putting on the Reno Block party there all day long – 10am to 10 pm. Just in time to catch a little C!BR action. Those kids are still in the studio (mostly) this episode, although there were some casualties along the way. Bullet Bar Dave, Jessalicious, the Kodiak and Felix P all stick around with us too.
Part two includes music from Werm, Sprout, Mudsharks, Cranium, Phat Couch, The Atomiks, and Gunshot Licker
Once we get past the interview with Captured! By Robots, the shouting match Top Ten List resumes, and we spend the rest of the show trying to make it through the list as fast as a room full of drunkards can focus on anything. That’s most of the reason that this is such a long episode (nearly 2 hours)!
Anyway, we apologize in retrospect and thank you in advance! Enjoy the show!
Part two includes music from Werm, Sprout, Mudsharks, Cranium, Phat Couch, The Atomiks, and Gunshot Licker
Memorial Day Meltdown – S1 E18

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 018
This episode is such a bad idea….
What a day, what a day! This week’s Worst Little Podcast in the World is a special episode – the first of a two-part investigative journalism expose booze fest in the studio! We FINALLY have finished compiling your picks for the Top Ten All-Time Reno Bands and present the first half of that list This episode with more to come next week. We actualy recorded two episodes this week so that Rick could take some time off for a vacation next week. Part one includes 7 Seconds, Fall Silent, The Shames, Orange Peel, B.O.H.J., War Maggots, Keyser Soze
Since it was such a special show, we opened up our doors to a lot of people this week and it’s kind of a madhouse. We have Squeak, Christine Irma Geddon, and Jess Blaze form Guerilla Productions on talking about bringing live music back to Burning Man and their upcoming Reno Block Party. Part one includes 7 Seconds, Fall Silent, The Shames, Orange Peel, B.O.H.J., War Maggots, Keyser Soze
Felix Polanski and Bullet Bar Dave stop in to share the libations. Da Kodiak and Cerrybear Jess are in the house too. Nick gets all loosey goosey and plays musical microphones all hour and Rory slowly looses his shit as he looses control. No time for the Worst Quiz Ever – we gots too much music and booze to get to! Part one includes 7 Seconds, Fall Silent, The Shames, Orange Peel, B.O.H.J., War Maggots, Keyser Soze
Also, we talk up the BEST event happening in the Washoe Valley this weekend – the (Un)Discovered 2011 Backyard BBQ! We throw a rockshow in Rick’s backyard. Free all-day event, the whole city is invited, come see some of your favorite local bands and get you some barbecue! Listen to the whole episode to find out the address – hell, think of this podcast as your personal, gold embossed invitation.
And, as always, thanks for listening.