grem fest
Slutzville – Take Another Shot – S8 E16

S8 E18
Welcome back to the Worst Little Podcast! This week’s show is a special one. It’s our 300th episode! The whole crew is here and joining us is excellent Grass Valley punk duo, Slutzville. This week’s episode will leave you saying things like “this makes me want to get out there and dance but I’d throw out my back!” and wondering “what’s an Alaskan pipeline?”, and also, “how did these beans get in my bed?” Before we get to the music, here’s a special message from Rory on behalf of all of us at the podcast:
Seven years and three months ago, we had no idea what we were doing. We really weren’t sure how to make a podcast; we weren’t sure how to build an audience, and we certainly had no idea of the great undertaking we had just begun. In the last 300 episodes, I have been lucky enough to witness firsthand the growth and development of hundreds of local musicians, my own friends and the local cultural evolution that we have been a part of for the past near-decade. I have been, and continually am, humbled by the response support and encouragement we have received from our listeners, the musicians, and bands on our show. We are still delighted and tickled that we can be a part of your life every week. Thank you for inviting us into your ears and your brain. You are in our hearts. I would also like to thank my fellow cohosts and creators Nick Ramirez, Rick Spagnola, Josh “Chewbacca” Martin, and Kadillac Kim. I would like to thank them for their continued hard work dedication and passion for this thing we’ve created together. I could not have done this alone and I can think of no better crew to get it done with. You guys are my family. And to all of our interns past present and future keep up the good work. Life is short; I love you. -Thee Reverend Rory Dowd
NOW let’s hear some music! Press play.

Slutzville is Jessi Permenter: Lead Vocals
Natalie Thompson: Drums/ Back up vocals
Slutzville describes themselves as two loud and vulgar adults always down to tear it up. This two-piece queer punk band from Grass Valley gets around – they’re regulars of the Reno punk scene. Their next show in Reno is July 31st with Naked Aggression / Opposition Rising/ Dissidence at Shea’s. Click the link for more info. Check out their Bandcamp for more! Thanks so much to Slutzville for being on the show. We had a great time and we can’t wait to hear more from you!
Every weekend is a great weekend for music in the Biggest Little City, but THIS weekend is extra. Check out the following:
Friday – Gremfest 2018 has been moved to 40 Mile due to the weather. Don’t fret, you can still see Failure Machine, SWIGS, Hopeless Jack and more this Friday and Saturday! Follow the link for details!
14th annual Marianarchy Day 1 at Jub Jub’s starting at 5PM. See Roxxy Collie, Prince Robot, Alphabet Cult, Pink Awful, and The Shames! Follow the link for details! 21+ $10
Saturday – Marianarchy XIV Day 2 at Jub’s starting at 2PM. 21+ $10
Beyond – Wednesday, May 30th catch Hillbilly Moon Explosion/ Hard Fall Hearts/ Los Pistoleros at Shea’s! 9PM 21+ $15
Thanks for listening to this week’s show, and thanks for sticking with us for the last 300 episodes. We’re taking next week off for Memorial Day but we’ll be back June 4th with newcomers Heterophobia! Have a great long weekend and be safe. We love ya, Reno.