formerly known as
Elgin Alway and Bishop: The Trouble With Troubadors – S3 E5

Pussy. That’s right. Pussy.
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E5
Arguably, the secret to our success (and quasi-failures) rests in the concept of locking musicians entertainers in a small sweaty room and feeding them beer and or coffee for 90 minutes. It’s always a helluva good time – but there are weeks when it really gets… weird… or funny – like clownmeat. Elgin Alway and Bishop getting crazy in the studio! Bishop is the lead singer and guitarist for Formerly Known As, A Tribute to Prince, and Elgin is one of the top rated comedians in Reno (according to him, anyway). They are a volatile mixture behind the mics. Seriously, there was even a total Freaky Friday moment when Elgin’s playing guitar and Bishop’s doing the joke-thing. Bishop and Elgin may have been channeling each other at that point – not sure.
Sponsor Time! Reno Computer Fix is offering $25 off any purchase or service over $100 IF you mention the Worst Little Podcast when you go in. These guys repair and sell refurbished computers of all kinds – it’s a sweet deal. They’ve been totally hooking us up here, so get in on the action!
Nick’s Journal Time (An Unexpected Tale) didn’t go exactly as planned – no one let the guests know that they were supposed to shut the hell up. Rory didn’t quite get to go into his review of Doubt, the current production at Bruka Theater – again, lots of interruptions. And by that point we didn’t even ask Rick what his week was like, not because we don’t really care, no! but because we were distracted by Bishop’s ethereal signifyin’ tirades or Elgin’s attempts to get a good Billy Dee Williams groove going on.
Bishop is keeping pretty tight lipped about his next performance with Formerly Known As, but Elgin will be appearing this weekend at the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club’s Roast of Pat Schillito, recent guest and friend of the show, this very weekend – so it should be a blast. Chekkit out!
Nick wanted me to remember to talk about something else…. but it was at the open mic at Jub Jub’s when he told me, so I forgot. This coming week though!!! Blazing Mics will be hosted by the awesome and ripping Michelle Coleman of Scarlet Presence!! $1 off for all performers and a $25 bar tab for the best performance of the night! Come on down!!!
And in a completely unrelated note – The Rocky Horror Pinky Show will be reprising their spectacular performance at this year’s Reno Artown!!! Cargo is bringing us back for two performances on July 27! Rocky Horror with a mostly full cast, a live band playing all the songs and lots of partici….. pation. More details about that in the next few months, but write that down!!! Put it on your phone calendar!!! It’s Rocky Horror like you’ve never seen it before.
Anyway…. thanks for listening. 🙂
Purple Forever – S2 E22

Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E21
I can’t stop groovin’!
Hello everyone! Sorry about the no-warning two-week hiatus. Actually, no, we’re not really sorry – we all had an opportunity to take a bit of a vacation and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! This episode is Rick’s first day back on the job, in over 6 days!!! AMAZING!!!! Nick is out on location wrapping up filming for “Nowhere Nevada”, a film 100% cast and crewed here in Northern Nevada (please like our FB page!). Chewie is hard at work, layin bricks in a mine. Rory, well, he, um, did stuff… most of which he remembers. Thanks for your patience though, we really needed it.
At any rate, Rory and Rick had a great time with Formerly Known As, Reno’s only FINEST Prince tribute band. Not the whole band, mind you, just Bishop, Susan Young and WLP all-star Diana Ekins. The rest of them all had some lame excuse, but that’s cause they’re no0t as cool as the other three. They were going to be boring and bring in a CD, but thankfully came to their senses. Dogwater Dick pulled out a guitar from the recesses of the studios and we got some acoustic renditions of good sexy Prince music. Yeah, that’s right – I think Prince’s music is sexy. I dare you to disagree with me. Metrosexual? He invented that shit! And KILLED IT on the guitar every goddamn night! But I digress….
Actually, the whole episode really digresses, then digresses some more. We talked a lot about race and sex, but not in a thoughtful debate kind of way. More like 11th graders. Evidently, Bishop is less black than Rory and Rick put together; Susan likes nerdy white guys; and Diana only pretends to be innocent. They also enjoyed the wine. Lots and lots of the wine. Whish is how I know all zhese shings now. And that was all before we even got to the quiz!
As a final note – some WLP news! In a few weeks here, WLP will be taking a more direct role in the Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor open mic experience! We will be running the Worst Little Open Mic evey Monday night. Its going to be a great opportunity for musicians to get together, new bands to get scene and possibly get booked at the bar or the show. More details to come very soon!
Thanks for Listening!