evil dead: The musical
The Tides – Intern Week! – S4 E34

Hello Reno!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E34 – Download Link
It’s Intern Week here on the Worst Little Podcast, introducing myself (Sam, the Intern) on the production end of things and the lovely Jamie Woodham, handling general, top secret podcast-ey stuff. She joins us on the show this week along with The Tides. The Tides (not the laundry detergent) are a new(ish) rock/punk band, and they don’t even really DO laundry! At the heart of the group, and back on the show with us, is the one and only Oliver Hull (guitar/vocals).
But wait, there’s more! Oliver is joined by his two devilishly handsome friends, Fred Dai (bass) and Derek Todd (drums). The Tides have been playing together for a while, but only recently emerged from a 6 month hiatus due to Oliver’s punk-like neck breakage. Listen now to find out how he did it!
In other news, Evil Dead the Musical is going fabulously, Nick also doesn’t do laundry, and Rikku found herself grounded *gasp* after a series of very big no-no’s.
You can find this steamy trio on their website or on Facebook. Their next show is not until Marianarchy, but stay tuned with them for any yet-to-be-announced shows!
Thanks for Listening
Jake Houston and the Tin Can String Band – Zookeeper – S4 E30

Hot damn!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E30 <- Download Link
Hope you’ve been enjoying the weather lately! Everything always smells like campfire! What’s good around a campfire? Old school country music. Jake Houston and the Tin Can String Band are the perfect background when you’re sippin’ whiskey and watchin’ the world burn. The eponymous Jake Houston joins us on the show this week and while this young man is an amazing performer and songwriter in his own right – he’s nothing without the Tin and the Can, Samantha Gates and Ivan Gates.
This trio has only been playing for a few months, but they are all seasoned musicians and does it show. It was hot enough in that studio, but they made it cook!
We also take a little tine to mention again Evil Dead The Musical – The Reno Edition at Good Luck Macbeth theater which is opening this weekend to a sold out crowd and running through Halloween night.
You’ll be able to catch Jake Houston and the Tin Can String Band very soon, but you’ll have to listen to the episode to find out when! And trust me, you do want to. I can’t wait to see more out of this band who literally already have hours of music to play.
Thanks for Listening
LC3 and Dope Called Glory – Bookending – S3 E39

Winter sucks.
Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E36
Hola, mis amigos! First of alll, thank you to everyone that came out and supported Marianarchy this weekend. Despite the snowstorm, we had a fantastic time as usual! All the acts, Friday and Saturday were just great. There are too many people to thank for their support, including Jub Jub’s. We love you. So does Maryanne.
This week we have the Return of Larry! Lawrence Coleman III shows up with Jacey Goldfinger and Marcelo Nobrega, the other members of his project, LC3 and Dope Called Glory. Unfortunately, this is not only their first performance, but it is also their last! Larry, you see, is going to the English countryside for a year, to search his soul, make dandelion crowns and wistfully look out over lakes and moors. Jacey and Marcelo will remain behind in Reno, keepin’ it real and making music.
I don’t know if we fully explained it on the show, but when larry first moved to Reno, he was in a band called Greyscale. They were a bunch of young twerps and punks playing some hardcore metal – nice guys, but just using Reno as a stepping stone. Reverend Rory interviewed them back in tha’ day for the Reno News and Review. Then, a bunch of drinking and rock shows happened. Larry ended up staying and becoming a mainstay and vital part of the Reno music scene for the better part of a decade. It seemed only fitting that he go out with another session with The good Reverend. Literally, he got on a plane and left town the morning after this was recorded.
Ashley Marie, noted Reno actor and director, also stopped by to promote the new season of Good Luck MacBeth and assuring us that it won’t be too long before she returns to the Bruka stage. Ashley was happy (read: SQUEEEEing like a schoolgirl) to recently announce that she will be directing Evil Dead: The Musical in the upcoming GLM season. It’s been a while since Ashley has been on the show and it was nice to have her back. Maybe next time she won’t lose her voice and be able to be on the show.
We had a super fun time this weekend. Listen in next week for our Christmas Episode featuring The Notorious R.A.D. aka Princess Bombs.
Thanks for listening!