Eric Foreman
Hedwig and the Angry Inch – the Reno Cut – S8 E11

S8 E13: Ep 295
We are so lucky this week to have one of the BIGGEST little guests we’ve ever had the pleasure of coming through Dogwater Studios. Ladies and gentlefolk, all the way from the former East Germany and… other(?) parts East… World-wide sensation and controversial media darlings, Hedwig and The Angry Inch! – Do you have what it takes to be a superstar? Do you have the balls? Would you sacrifice your balls for fame? Your pain is nothing.
We are joined in studio by the cast of “Hedwig and the Angry Inch“, as presented by Brüka Theater and Good Luck Macbeth Theater. We do NOT have, Joe Atack, Amy Ginder, Eric Foreman, Rhiannon Box, Daisy Foreman and Nick Ramirez in studio. No! We have the very actual, for really really reals band, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, “escorted” by director Bill Ware. What follows is a very off the cuff and revealing interview with this controversial international figure, Hedwig, and the band that supports her. There are some very shocking things that happen behind the scenes with these Eastern European rockers.
If you don’t already know what “Hedwig” is, I’m not going to tell you: you’ll just have to go see the show.
“Hedwig and the Angry Inch” will open at Good Luck Macbeth’s new space at 124 W Taylor St, this Friday, April 20, and will run through Saturday, May 12. Complete show dates can be found on the theaters’ websites, or the Facebook event page, as linked above. Tickets are available at Brown Paper Tickets. Sources suggest that there will be many audiences at capacity and you may want to get tickets in advance to save yourself some money and make sure you can get your seats. As a joint production by two of the most edgy theaters in Reno, “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” is a first in Reno independent performing arts – and hopefully not the last. (EVERYBODY WILL BE THERE – GET YOUR TICKETS SO YOU’RE NOT LEFT OUT).
Stabby Unicorn – Swelter Skelter – S5 E17

Hot enough for ya?
The Worst Little Podcast S5 E17
Stabby Unicorn is back! Well, they never went anywhere, but it’s been a couple years since they came by the studio. Since then, they’ve put out an album, some videos, played a LOT of shows and have matured as a wine band. Their sound and timing have gotten tighter and more polished, shaping them into a popular and well received indie rock band in Reno NV.
Reverend Rory wasn’t able to make it due to some family obligations (and really feels bad about bailing on Stabby Unicorn), but Nick and Chewie fill in for him somewhat competently admirably and put on a really great show! Don’t forget about the Nowhere Nevada movie premiere and rock show coming up in just a few weeks. With an opening night rock show on July 23, featuring bands from the movie including The Atomiks, The Shames, Stacy Tolle (of Gunshot Likker), Los Pistoleros, SOURCE and many more, this is going to be a huge weekend. You’ll finally get to see the movie that we made, on the big screen, or buy it on DVD, with full commentary from the lead production crew. Come join us for this highfalutin’ event!
Then there’s other stuff on the show. “What you ask?” Listen to find out…
Thanks for Listening!
Stabby Unicorn: Prancecore! – S2 E35

Some days are just made for sleeping in.
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E33
Hey Kids – how about a spooky podcast? Well, tough shit. Halloween is now over – it’s November and we all know that means it’s just 50-some odd shopping days until the burning death and destruction predicted in the Mayan calendar! In Studio this week, we have Eric Foreman, Daisy Foreman (no relation), and Rhiannon Box of Stabby Unicorn. If you want to know what they soud like, I’d hazard that it’s 80s goth/dance music with the sensibilities of 90s shoe-gazer rock… or something like that.
Sorry it’s late again this week, but it’s a busy freaking season right now!!! Lots of great stuff happening over at the DOgwater Studios, including the release of the great (Un)Discovered 2012 comp, originally recordded in the backyard back in the beginning of the summer. Stabby Unicorn is on it, so is Rev. Rory – but he sucks and totally froze up. Stabby Unicorn didn’t – they killed it. Contact CherryBear Records or Dogwater Studios for your very own copy!
I’ve gotta run do this is about it. Go see Stabby Unicorn! Problably the best new Reno band this year, IMHO.
Thanks for listening!
Scarlet Presence: Shredding into the Future – S2 E32

These tech difficulties brought to you by FML Producions!
The Worst Little Podcast S2 E30 – Download Link
There’s a whole set of awesome young musicians in Reno. We’ve talked to some of them on here before. Scarlet Presence is definitely one of them. These rock and roll rippers sat in with us with the full setup and shreddecd out some great tracks for us. Singer and Guitar-er, Michelle Coleman; Drummer, Carter Stellon; and future pizza delivery guy Bassist, Jonesy Pelsue invaded the Dogwater Studios this week to kill it for us. Michelle has got some powerful pipes and plays guitar like she was born with one in her hands. The boys round out the rythm quite nicely – but let’s face it, it’s all about her.
Besides the awesome that is Scarlet Presence, we also had some great phone interviews this week. First up is Rev. Rory’s long-time and very good friend Lucio “Reverend Screamin’ Fingers” Menegon. Lucio moved out to NYC from the Bay Area some time ago and is back for a West Coast Wake up call. He’ll be performing at Reno Art Works this Saturday for a night of music, noise and art. Also on the show is comedian Justin Russell who will be appearing at the Pioneer Underground Comedy Club all weekend long. The call with him could have gone better, but we had some severe lag issues.
Lots of good shows coming up this month – including Scalet Presence at the alley on the 18th, and Strega on the 20th. Also want to mention the Rocky Horror show at CommRow on Friday the 26th – featuring live music by Pinky Polanski and emceed by Reverend Rory AND the Nowhere Nevada fundraiser on Saturday the 27th. It’s October – one of the best show and pary months all year, so stay tuned!
Thanks for listening!
Big Remote – Are We There Yet? – S1 E37

Download Link: Worst Little Podcast – Episode 37
Why are these things so much more complicated than they should be?
My apologies for being a day late with this – I know, you’re crushed. First, everyone was late; then it took forever to get started; then there was a delay in post; then I asked Rick to chop up the picture he sent me. THEN I kind of spaced it. And finally, the website was a little slow this morning and I ended up using the really awesome photo by Rick anyway. Ugh! Anyways, welcome to another thrilling episode of The Worst Little Podcast in the World! Since it was such a crazy episode we skipped right over a bunch of things we did last week that were fun and I’m not going to tell you about here either. Suffice to say, we are older, wiser and stronger.
On the show we are treated to a number of LIVE SONGS by Reno favorite, Big Remote! Jon Cornell, Eric Foreman, Don Morrison and Steve Larkins sit in and are right at home talking out of their ass with us. We talk a littl about the trials and tribulations of recording an album as they are looking forward to releasing their first album, “Jenkins”. As a band, Big Remote is tight, melodic and layered; as an interview, Big Remote is somewhat more… chaotic. The quiz gets heated as they all deliver some big answeres for big points, but what else do you expect from a bunch of guys compensating so hard that they had to pt ‘BIG’ in their band name. And let’s not even get into the symbolic meaning and imagery of a remote, much less a big one. At least their wives and girlfriends are nice.
One last thing we forgot to mention on the show – CAPTURED! BY ROBOTS!!!!! They will be appearing at Jub Jub’s on Thursday, 10/27 for J-BOT’S Birthday. But before you go to that, don’t forget to stop by Dogwater Studios for the Annual Punkin’ Carving Party and Great (Un)Discovered CD Release party!!!!!
Thanks for listening!