DJ o Gnosis interview
Lullabies from Carson – S1 E27

Worst Little Podcast – Episode 027
Don’t drive listening to DJ O Gnosis!!! But first, some deathmetal.
We’ve got a little different show for you all this week – lots of new stuff and a quieter. gentler podcast . Carson Cessna awkwardly hangs out with us – YAY!! a return of the Awkward Silence game!! Nick and Rory did very little show prep – and it shows! HA! Seriously though, super busy week with lots of stuff, like Rory’s failed Date Night with the wifey and Nick still looking for a job.
Speaking of jobs, Chewie is back out workin’ the mines, so doesn’t join us this week, but we hope to have him back before Burning Man. (Stay tuned for next weeks Burning Man Spectaculare!!! Or as we like to call it, ‘The Spectacular BM”!)
The other big highlights of this show include some Italian Circumcision Rick’s Clips!!! He unearths some really revealing early samples of the Notorious R.A.D. as well as debuts some new ones. Plus – our very first commercial! One we made ourselves for Stingray Tattoo, so check THAT shit out.
Thanks for listening.