Dirty Steve

S14E39 Chewie’s Thanksgiving Show: All the Way to Susanville 

Season 14
Season 14
S14E39 Chewie’s Thanksgiving Show: All the Way to Susanville 

This week we reminisce with the original cast and Starfish the intern for a cozy episode with friends and music from Chewie’s archive. He put together a show with bands on a 30-year-old flier for a barn burner in Susanville featuring 5 bands from Reno: Loadstar(exclusive for our Patreon members, patreon.com/worstlittlepodcast) who actually broke up right before the show and didn’t play, Dirty Steve, Orange Peel, Sprout and Werm. 90’s Reno punk and alternative rock groups. 

We take turns being ungrateful for something and slipping in some thankfulness as well. 

We’re getting close to the finish line for this season and we are all thankful for you our listeners and supporters. 

Our friendship is what keeps the podcast going and we are all grateful for that. 

original cast: Chewie, Dick Nick, and Rory

We hope you enjoy the show and have a wonderful thanksgiving weekend. 

To the music makers of Reno and beyond. Thank you.

Life is short and we love you. Happy Thanksgiving! 

Left of the Dial and GLM – Faster Than Boats

Season 13
Season 13
Left of the Dial and GLM - Faster Than Boats

This week we are joined by Robert Derbyshire aka DJ FasterThanYou of KWNK 97.7’s “Left of the Dial,” and actors Jessica Johnson and Claire Hachenberger of “Men On Boats”, currently playing at our beloved Good Luck Macbeth Theatre in midtown Reno,

bald man with a large grey beard and glasses wearing a black hoodie behind a studio microphone
Robert Derbyshire aka DJ FasterThanYou

We had a lovely time discussing “Men on Boats,” its relation to American history, and the unique spin the author wrote into the piece. Claire and Jessica were full of info and funny to boot!

a brunette woman in a black and white patterned shirt smiling behind a microphone
Jessica Johnson

DJ FasterThanYou treats us with selections from his noise and punk selections including a couple Reno legends at the end. Listen to find out who!

a dark haired woman in a black jean jacket with an open smile behind a studio mic
Claire Hachenberger

Speaking of local legends, Chewie is back with his From the Vault segment, with 3 quick tracks from early nineties teenage punkers Dirty Steve, straight off the cassette recording! We discuss a multitude of Renocentric subjects and the guests give a great performance in their debuts on the worst little quiz.

Another stellar show we hope you enjoy.
Life is short and we love you.
Thanks for listening.

(Un)Discovered 2012 Recap – S2 E18

large worst little podcast logo - b/w/r
Season 02
(Un)Discovered 2012 Recap - S2 E18



The Worst Little Podcast – 2012 06 04

No show = Our Show!


Jew-stan's last party in Reno!!!!

Due to a communication crisis, or guests were not able to make it to the studio this week. Not sure if they even knew to be here. If you’re a regular show go-er in Reno, listen close and see if you can pick up what we’re puttin’ down. It’s REALLY subtle.

Fortunately, though, it gave us the opportunity to just talk and talk and talk about the (Un)Discovered 2012 show  last weekend. It was a blast and that’s about all I’ll say here – we talk way too much about it during the episode. It also gave Chewie the opportunity to come through like he always does with some archival recordings of some questionable great Reno bands from yesteryear. We have recordings of The Princes of Pork; Dirty Steve; Mike, Tyson and Tommy; and the big bad Brian Knopf! They’ll all kick you in the teeth and send you running home to your bronies.

Felix Polanski and DaKodiak

Felix lost an earring during the love fest.

Also, Justan Hoover joins us in studio to not really talk much at all. He was kind of an actually boring guest… until we got to the quiz. Justan really brought it when it came to a couple of the quiz questions, beating off out Chewie by a slim margin. We also got our occasional weekly update from The Vampirates who are on their whirlwind U.S. tour. They played at a place called the Murder Basement. It’s not a club. It’s really some punk basement. With a name. About murder. I wish I was as cool as Dave Masud.

The smiles are of ridicule, not entertainment. But I thank them anyway.

We had a lot of fun. Even if it was just rehashing things we did 48 hours earlier and listening to the music of the 90s. Not sure if you will (yes I am… pshhhht… this show is always awesome!), but there are a lot of stories from the weekend that are pretty fucked up at the least. Love ya, Felix! Love ya, DaKodiak! BIG BIG THANKS to the sound crew and the food crew and the cleanup crew and the musicians and everyone that came out…. but especially THE SOUND AND FOOD CREWS!!!!

Thanks for listening!