diana marx
Hella Reno. Hella Good. Hella A Capella. – S1 E46

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – Episode 46
OMFG – sometimes I hate this website. It’s taken me 90 freaking minutes to get the picture above to save to the post. No idea of why. Anyway….
Hey everybody! I’m quitting smoking and I hate you all!! I hope you had a great week, free of anxiety and/or misfortune. It was a fine week here at the WLP Ranch where we raise little podcasts into biguns. Nothing but the finest free-range podcasts, raised on digital nipples for ye, the fathful listeners. Speaking of biguns, we had a dinosaur of the Reno scene in on the show with us this week. Plus, Hella A Capella showed up to sing with Nick too!
In addition to Nick, Hella A Capella is Chas Dawes, Monica Reed and Diana Marx, three of the kindest people in the whole scene. They really are very huggable and stuff – it was almost like interviewing plushies. They are also pretty good song-ers too, hitting us with covers that ranged from odd acapella tunes from the Bobs to rock classics including Alice In Chains’ seminal “Man in the Box”. As I say in the ‘cast – it’s a lot more intense sitting in the room with singers belting it out at you than it is in a bar with a shitty soundguy (hi, Mike LaPrarie!!!!)
Don’t forget we have our Worst Live Podcast 2011 happening at Jub Jubs on January 20, 2012. 8pm starts the reindeer games. Then we’ll have some music by Aversion Therapy and our VERY special guests, The Shames!!!! It’s going to be a great kickass time, but we need an audience – you guys!!!
So this week, sit back and enjoy this weeks raucuous fun, sans instrumentation. Raise a glass and pass the koolaid…. get a tattoo from Stingray Tattoo…
….and thanks for listening.