Dave Masud
Tom, Nick and Dave – Man Solo – S12 E22

Fully loaded episode, please. All three toppings, please.
That’s right: THREE guests this week, each with their own solo album. And by “solo album” we mean it – each of these musical monsters have largely played all the parts on their albums, in addition to writing the whole durn thing.

First up, we welcome back Tom Odenheimer of Ugly Orphans who lets his hair down with his alter ego, Thamvz, in a little cozy black metal project, Sinn Demonisk. The album, “Humanity’s Cycle” is just a little grindy something to soothe the blackest corners of the hole that was left when you lost your soul. Self-produced, recorded and mixed entirely on an iPhone, this is about as lo-fi as you can get. Play it loud; wake the neighbors. Available on all the usual digital places.

We would be remiss if we did not recognize the achievements of our brother and co-host, Nick Ramirez (Roxxy Collie, One Ton Dually, and more). (again). As you may recall from Season 10 Episode 37, Nick recorded and released his album “This Might Be The End” during the pandemic. A combination retrospective and showcase, Ramirez put together some of his most successful and meaningful-to-him songs all in one place for you to find. Physical copies are still in very limited supply, but well worth it.

The last album we talk about is the most recent – literally about a week old at the time of this writing. Good buddy, Dave Masud (Vampirates, Suckapunch, and more) has created and released an EP called “False Island”, a 5-song journey inside the mind of a Reno punk rock staple. I’ve been listening to it almost every day this week and I am a little smitten with it. Masud has put together a strong entry, complete with deep lyrics, ripper hooks, and quirky fun. If you’d like a copy of this on CD, you can show up to the hottest ticket this weekend, the almost-sold-out CD release show at The Cypress, where Masud has put together an amazing band of some of Reno’s best talents to back him in this presentation; also featured at the show are Heterophobia and Roxxy Collie.
THis was a really great episode – hopefully the start of a new series. If you’ve put out a solo album, get a hold of us, let’s talk process with you!
Thanks for listening.
Tooth of Crime: New Digs, Booga – S5 E6

Choogin, baybay, choogin!
The Worst Little Podcast – 2015 03 02
I am so conflicted about this episode!!!! First, we have the cast from “Tooth of Crime” on, which is so awesome; second, Jamie hosted the show in its entirety, which is good and bad (good that she can handle it, bat that my job is at stake now); and finally – it’s the last episode ever from beautiful suburban Sparks! What is this world coming to?!?!
“Tooth of Crime” is a play written, and then later re-written, by Sam Sheppard. It involves live music, cars and fire. It is dangerous theater. It is a play that has not always been well received. It is a play that may have never been done correctly, even when directed by the author. A small group of actors from Reno believe that they can pull it off like no one has.
Director Dave Richards brings most of his cast and the band to the studio with him to talk about the upcoming performances. He is joined by Lew Zaumeyer (Hoss), Jill Marlene (Becky Lou), Scott Dundas (Chaser), Andy Luna (Crow), Nick Ramirez (Meera), Rory Dowd (Rudio Ran) from the cast and also Jeff Done, Pat Mayfield, Dave Masud and Chris Fox from the Reno “Tooth of Crime” band. For a last session, we crammed so many people in that the whole band AND Reverend Rory had to sit in the living room! That’s why Jamie got to host the show! (I knew you were wondering)
If you’re interested in seeing the show, Tickets are for sale at Jub Jub’s, The Melting Pot and online.
For a final episode at the old house, we couldn’t have asked for a better set of guests – some old friends, some brand new to the show. ANd we had fun. We will be taking a one week hiatus so Dogwater Dick can move ye olde studios into Reno! Crazy things are afoot in the neighborhood. Chekkit what’s been happening down the block:
Thanks for Listening!
End of the Line – Gettin’ Punked Up – S4 E33

Piss off, wankers!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E43 – Download Link
Sometimes, even doing something for the love gets frustrating and turns into a grind. Then punk rock happens and everything feels better. End of the Line comes into the studio and kicks a little insensible sense back into our heads this week. End of the Line, a Reno punk rock band, is Milton Bradshaw, Bre Fretz and Rich Davies. They’re yell-y, crass, irreverent, offensive and totally wonderful.
Playing in this particular lineup for a fairly short time, End of the Line has been making a mark and is gaining traction in the Reno music scene in recent months. We had a late cancellation and they made the time to swoop in and fill the show this week on short notice, which always puts points up on the big board. They lay down a handful of tunes for us and bang out some old school. “Hippie Chick” is a standout tune, as is “Lovesong”… really… enjoy!
Also in the house is man-about-town, and good friend of the show, Dave Masud. Dave stopped by to plug his upcoming event, Skate Jam 2015, hosted in the showroom at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor. The event will be all-ages, featuring bands, skate ramps, contests, raffles, SKATE RAMPS, prizes, food, drinks, SK8 RAMPZ and 12 BANDS!! Dave is workin’ hard to keep punk rock and skating alive for the people who really matter – the freakin kids. So, go to Skate Jam. For the kids. And Dave.
Nick, Rory, Chewie and Rick talk about “Tooth of Crime“, kids, shows and a bunch of other crap. Lots of awesome shows coming up.
Anyhoo… thanks for Listening!
Voted Best Band – Voted Best Podcast – S3 E42

Yeah, Yeah, I know….
Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E39
Season Three is winding to a close. Things will be ALL NEW in Season Four. Like getting the podcast out on time (still looking for the right sucker applicant to fill the position of Production Intern – contact Reverend Rory to make that happen).
But still, this is a fun show. This here is VOTED BEST BAND!!! They are an underrated rock talent in the Reno are, hailing from the rural community of Black Rock, NV. Inspired by the music of their now far off youth, they continue to play the anthems and dancing music that first sent them down the life of punk rock losers.
These Voted Best Band guys are seriously wasting their talent in this project, with pedigrees that include some of the mightiest Reno bands including The Vampirates, The Riptide Bandits, Suckapunch, Twelve Gauge Facelift and more. This kind of star power doesn’t just happen overnight. It takes years of meticulous study and rehearsal to write the kind of songs they do. Which is to say none.
This episode was a lot of fun and the boys came to play ball with the quiz. I forget everything that was said, but it was really funny. Bear with us, it felt like a slow start before it grew to our normal cacophony. But maybe that’s a good thing.
I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. I rarely make sense. I doubt anyone is reading this.
Anyway – thanks for listening.
The Vampirates: Ten Years of Facemelting – S3 E4

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E4
We had them on with a CD before, but this time we got them live – The Vampirates!!! Dave, Chris, Chris and Pat set up in the studio and blasted us with 10 or 12 songs in our 90 minutes together. They are leaving on their ten year anniversary tour this week and – you can’t even tell how excited they are. I mean, The Vampirates are easily the most laid back band we have ever had in the studio – nothing phases them! Then they kick you in the face with killer, homegrown Reno punk rock.
We also want to send our personal condolences to our friend, Cam Hog, and her family after the tragic loss of her brother, Ashton Pike, in a motorcycle accident last week. If you haven’t been following the story, Pike was a local bartender and single father of a 2-year old daughter. His death was obviously sudden and is leaving a large hole in their lives, especially his daughter. This Friday night, 3/1/2012, Rise Nightclub will be raising money from their cover charge and accepting donations for him and his family. All proceeds of the show (and last weekend’s benefit at 40 Mile Saloon) will go to pay for memorial costs; any remaining funds will go to a trust fund support his young daughter. Please get out and show some Reno love and help take care of our own!
ALSO! We have an exciting offer for avid and regular local listeners. Our fine sponsors, Reno Computer Fix, are offering a special discount for WLP listeners. They have an awesome little laptop for sale with a solid state hard drive (which are suh-WEET, btw!). This laptop is priced at $320 for regular customers, but with the WLP keyword, you the listener can go in and get it for under $275!!! (The deal may actually be better than that, but there was poor communication – so go in and bug them to bring it down.) The way YOU can get the keyword is by – listening to the entire show. It’s there in the last break, so keep listening and then get into Reno Computer Fix ASAP!!! There is only one of these deals per week, so it’s first-come first serve!!!
Back to the Vampirates!!! You can check out their tour dates here – they are meandering across the country on a whirlwind 2 month tour. They should be back in time to play at Marianarchy 2013, which will be killer since they haven’t played that in a few years. They’ll be calling us from the road every few weeks to let us know how the tour is going. They’re also taking some of our stickers to decorate bathrooms in shitty clubs and basements all over the country! Yay!!!!
Lots of good shows happening this weekend. Listen until the end for our picks, the get out and see us!!! Or find your own awesome thing to do – Reno music and art is always happening, yo. Go git ya some!
Thanks for listening!
(Un)Discovered 2012 Recap – S2 E18

The Worst Little Podcast – 2012 06 04
No show = Our Show!
Due to a communication crisis, or guests were not able to make it to the studio this week. Not sure if they even knew to be here. If you’re a regular show go-er in Reno, listen close and see if you can pick up what we’re puttin’ down. It’s REALLY subtle.
Fortunately, though, it gave us the opportunity to just talk and talk and talk about the (Un)Discovered 2012 show last weekend. It was a blast and that’s about all I’ll say here – we talk way too much about it during the episode. It also gave Chewie the opportunity to come through like he always does with some archival recordings of some questionable great Reno bands from yesteryear. We have recordings of The Princes of Pork; Dirty Steve; Mike, Tyson and Tommy; and the big bad Brian Knopf! They’ll all kick you in the teeth and send you running home to your bronies.
Also, Justan Hoover joins us in studio to not really talk much at all. He was kind of an actually boring guest… until we got to the quiz. Justan really brought it when it came to a couple of the quiz questions, beating off out Chewie by a slim margin. We also got our occasional weekly update from The Vampirates who are on their whirlwind U.S. tour. They played at a place called the Murder Basement. It’s not a club. It’s really some punk basement. With a name. About murder. I wish I was as cool as Dave Masud.
We had a lot of fun. Even if it was just rehashing things we did 48 hours earlier and listening to the music of the 90s. Not sure if you will (yes I am… pshhhht… this show is always awesome!), but there are a lot of stories from the weekend that are pretty fucked up at the least. Love ya, Felix! Love ya, DaKodiak! BIG BIG THANKS to the sound crew and the food crew and the cleanup crew and the musicians and everyone that came out…. but especially THE SOUND AND FOOD CREWS!!!!
Thanks for listening!