dan ruby
Confetti Volcano for SCIENCE!!!! – S2 E21

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E19
Like a bunch of space monkeys! Or gorillas.
Hey ever’bodeee! What a wild week it’s been. Rory just got into town a few hours before the podcast this week, so he is flying high on re-acclimatizing, caffeine, booze and no sleep. It makes for some interesting…. things… he says… He gives a recap of his time in St. Louis where he dropped his lovely daughter off for the summer with his lovely and ROCKSTAR parents. He also inadvertently sets off a mild, but lively debate about religion AND politics between the WLP crew (so make sure you don’t listen to this at a bar). The guests did not want to touch that conversation with a 10 foot pole. they had their own shit to talk about…
Dan Ruby of the Wax Models, Crushstory and a few other local projects (like being the Director of Fleishman Planetarium, NBD) comes on the show to regale us with stories of SCIENCE!!!! Well, at least visiting Washington DC and buying NASA surplus at the click of a button. Dan has been a long-time member of the music scene in Reno (he just happens to have been smart enough to study something that got him a cool day job) and is here teasing an upcoming project. Dan, along with Mike Mechanic, J.T. and Chris Gibson, will be performing the live score to a silent film at the NMA on July 28th. This will be the culmination of the “Forage” bike tour event that Holland Project is putting on that day. It sounds pretty kick ass. He also brings a bunch of previously unreleased (except on the web) Wax models tracks that are a lot of fun – somewhere between Jonathan Coulton and TMBG.
Squeaks and Dianamite from Guerrilla Productions were on to plug some stuff too – they have this little event this year called the RENO BLOCK PARTY2, which you may have heard reference to here or there. It’s a great weekend lined up with EDM and live music and art and art cars. Reverend Rory will be emceeing the live stage at Wingfield park, so check it out. The day of fun is this Saturday, June 30 at 10 am. They also plug the upcoming after party with Nevada Backwards at Jub Jub’s, Warsaw Poland Brothers in July, and a benefit for Spike and Jackson on August 10.
SPEAKING OF WHICH – if anyone sees Spike’s truck driving around town without him in it – call the damn police!!! He had his house broken into and all his shit stolen, including guitars and his car keys.
And one last bit – it was brought to my attention that we have not give due credit where it is due- THANK YOU, FELIX POLANSKI!!! He designed the ad we have in the Reno Tahoe Tonight magazine. Hell, he’s designed our logo, our ad and is probably going to help with the T-Shirts when we get to it. THANK YOU FELIX (asshole).
Thanks for listening!