Hellbilly Bandits: Piss and Vinegar – S3 E16

Morning, campers!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E15
Thanks for bearing with us in the week off – Reverend Rory pulled a “Don Geronimo” and fell off the stage at Jub Jub’s during Marianarchy 2013, and the show left us all exhausted and spent. It was a killer time and we want to personally thank everyone that came out to the show that weekend. We would not be able to do this for the last nine years without your support. We raised a bit more than $3,100 this year! Thank you, thank you, thank you, from all of us at WLP and the family of Dale Kellams.
This week, we’ve got some fast drinking and hard partying Reno rockers in the studio. The Hellbilly Bandits got in touch with us and then proceeded to invade the studio. Srsly – they brought an entourage and everything (note to future guests – NO!). It was a bit of madness at the Chez Dogwater this week, but totally worth it. The Hellbilly Bandits are cusséd, dirty shitkickers and they’ve got the music to prove it!
There is a tearful reunion of Wally and Chewbacca that you don’t want to miss. These childhood buddies hadn’t seen each other in years and have a touching, tender moment on the show. Have a hanky ready.
Really though – they are a blast. The music is killer, about topics near and dear to Reno, like hookers and meth! It’s a boot to the face and a smack on the ass. You do not want to miss them live. Their next show is this Friday at Davidson’s Distillery – where Wally runs the open mic on Mondays.
Coming up this weekend, plesase come on out to Jub’s for the Damntrack fundraiser. Speical appearances by Spike and jackson, Lighter Theif, Sam Ashlock and many more!
Thanks again to Wally, Nathan, Bill and Bobby from the Hellbilly Bandits! We had a great time andd hope you do too.
Thanks for listening!