(Un)Discovered 2012 Recap – S2 E18

The Worst Little Podcast – 2012 06 04
No show = Our Show!
Due to a communication crisis, or guests were not able to make it to the studio this week. Not sure if they even knew to be here. If you’re a regular show go-er in Reno, listen close and see if you can pick up what we’re puttin’ down. It’s REALLY subtle.
Fortunately, though, it gave us the opportunity to just talk and talk and talk about the (Un)Discovered 2012 show last weekend. It was a blast and that’s about all I’ll say here – we talk way too much about it during the episode. It also gave Chewie the opportunity to come through like he always does with some archival recordings of some questionable great Reno bands from yesteryear. We have recordings of The Princes of Pork; Dirty Steve; Mike, Tyson and Tommy; and the big bad Brian Knopf! They’ll all kick you in the teeth and send you running home to your bronies.
Also, Justan Hoover joins us in studio to not really talk much at all. He was kind of an actually boring guest… until we got to the quiz. Justan really brought it when it came to a couple of the quiz questions, beating off out Chewie by a slim margin. We also got our occasional weekly update from The Vampirates who are on their whirlwind U.S. tour. They played at a place called the Murder Basement. It’s not a club. It’s really some punk basement. With a name. About murder. I wish I was as cool as Dave Masud.
We had a lot of fun. Even if it was just rehashing things we did 48 hours earlier and listening to the music of the 90s. Not sure if you will (yes I am… pshhhht… this show is always awesome!), but there are a lot of stories from the weekend that are pretty fucked up at the least. Love ya, Felix! Love ya, DaKodiak! BIG BIG THANKS to the sound crew and the food crew and the cleanup crew and the musicians and everyone that came out…. but especially THE SOUND AND FOOD CREWS!!!!
Thanks for listening!