CRUSH – Start stuffing words in there! – S6 E3

Gollum in a wizard’s hat.
The Worst Little Podcast – S6 E3 – Download Link
Valentine’s Day draws near, Reverend Rory is out of the country, and we get that loving feeling with the lads of CRUSH. Aaron, Daniel, and Jimmy talk about getting the band back together, their newer direction, and how Pharrell killed their “Happy.” Check out how they define fuzz rock with their new tunes.
At Jub Jub’s this Friday you can rock out at Bands for Bernie. The Atomiks, Roxxy Collie, Wheatstone Bridge, Mikie Shame & Nick Ramirez will all be playing. On Saturday Spectre Records will be celebrating their one year anniversary with a concert in their store. Alphabet Cult, People With Bodies, and Flores will be playing. Based on what Dogwater Dick had to say, you should be keeping an ear out for some new Murderock soon.
Catch CRUSH this Friday, February 12, at MidTown Wine Bar. Fun starts at 8 P.M., goes until 11 P.M., it is 21+, and there is no cover. That means FREE! Grab your date and get your V.D. started early.
Go hug someone, tell them they are beautiful, and let them know they are loved! Then go catch a show.
CRUSH: Tears of Consent – S2 E43

What a way to end a year!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E 42
We’re wrapping things up with some great momentum this year. It took me all year to remember to book the young men of CRUSH on the podcast. Daniel, Jimmy and Aaron stopped by to grace us with an acoustic set of their techno-rock-dubstep-pop. Not only did they and their awesome three-part harmonies kill it, but they came to have fun. We really didn’t have to ask many questions; the boys took the conversation wherever they wanted it. And that was mostly talking about pot. Pot and not getting laid.
From Walden’s to the Knitting Factory to the Alley, CRUSH can pack the house with more teenagers than any other party band in town. Mostly because they themselves are fresh out of HS, and diligently applying themselves to the College of Rock and Roll! All joking aside, with two full-length CDs under their belt, they are serious about being working musicians and have the chops to prove it. Even in an acoustic set, their tight songwriting and performance skills shine through. PLUS they are the favorite local band of Rikku, who recorded them a special message-song that we play at the top of the show.
Also in studio is everyone’s favorite potty mouth – Jenny PezDeSpencer!!! Yeah, Jenny’s back, bigger than life and killing it.
Jenny is working hard at hardly working. She has a slew of shows this very weekend. Friday night she is opening up for national comedian Ramsey Moore at The Knitting Factory. Saturday, you can catch her at the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club at Pioneer Underground with Thai Rivera who you can catch on Comedy Central specials. Sunday, she’ll probably be hungover or at Red Rock comedy night. Or both. Probably both.
One final note – we’d like to welcome newest whipping boy, John Frederick, to the cast. He’ll be working under Dogwater Dick for a while. He’ll also be learning about live recording and podcasting and stuff. (See what I did there?) That’s all for now….
Thanks for Listening!!
Archives: Felix and the Vault – S2 E26

Lies and mendacity!!!!
Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E25
First, I’m on the defensive. I want to clear something up – I did not call in well! Rick was trying to call in sick and we had a last-minute cancellation, so I rearranged my life. Then Nick calls and says we’re still doing the show. Bitches be trippin! I was fully prepared to do the show this week, SERIOUSLY! Then life happened… and I hung out with my kid and learned a song on the GEEtar – sue me. OK, enough rationalization and onto the show.
In addition to the regular weekend recap, we find out that Chewie has a stalker in his neighborhood, cabs will not stop to pick up Felix, Nick is temporarily hooked on Vicodin and Rick sat around the house and polished his… microphone, all alone. Fun and exciting! Shocker alert – Felix got really drunk and blacked out last weekend after a show!! Wow! It’s a fun show, despite being sans Reverend. Chewie busts out some old tracks from the Vault and we get to hear a little music from Reno greats Cranium, M.C. Gob, The Line, and War Maggots.
Lots of great stuff happening around town this week. Thursday night, Melvin Makes Machineguns are headlining the Summer Music Series at the Alley. Friday night we’ve got Boot to the Kool , Merkin, The Kanes, Miracle Drugs, and The Firebombing at The Knit; Antique Scream, The Shames, and Walk of Shame at Lincoln Lounge; and Black Sheep of Kali, Glacier and The Harvest and The Hunt at Shea’s. Saturday you can find CRUSH and Smiley Mikey at Sidelines; and the Blitzkreig Pop dance party with DJ Endif and Hyperkarma at The Biggest Little City Club.
Don’t forget to come on out to support your open mics all across the city EVERY night of the week. I of course am going to remind you of the Strega Sunday night Open Mic and THE WORST LITTLE OPEN MIC IN RENO at Jub Jub’s on Monday, brought to you by US here at WLP. THis week’s host is the Madman, Matty Waage… and as always, Nick and Rory and Chewie will all be in attendance for some amount of time.
Anyway, thanks for listening!