Christian McNamara

Busking by Moonlite – Sleeping by Day – S5 E35

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Season 05
Busking by Moonlite - Sleeping by Day - S5 E35

Well met, weary travelers!

The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E36 – Download Link

It’s been a bit of a stress filled whirlwind around the Dogwater Studios! Stupid Holidays, stupid thinking of OTHERS, stupid fun. Nick and his lovely Mikie had a wedding shower over the weekend, Rick and Nick had birthdays and it’s the countdown to fun family and alcohol! We had some technical difficulties that resulted in a failure to communicate on the part of Rick and Rory’s email services, but that’s all cleared up.

Much apologies for the delay in the episode to our fantastic guests, Busking By Moonlite:

Mason Frey Nico Telles Kenny Shepherd Christian McNamara

Busking By Moonlight


Busking by Moonlite is Mason Frey, Nico Telles, Kenny Shepherd and Christian McNamara who being their own spin to the rock/blues game – Reno style, If you have’t caught them , they are a recent development in the overall music map of the Reno entertainment game. Although they look young, these men all have the souls of old men who sold their soul at a crossroads for a little talent. Rev. Rory is out this week so Nick and Chewie take the helm.

Mason Frey Nico Telles Kenny Shepherd Christian McNamara in the shower with clothes on

busking by shower

Despite the delay in the show, you should listen to it as soon as possible. Busking by Moonlite is stinkin’ talented. Hurry before these musicians grow too big for Reno and take their talent elsewhere. Who are we kidding – they’re trapped here like everyone else.


Speaking of being trapped here, we will have and EXTRA SPECIAL BONUS EPISODE for you later this week. That’s right, the ever popular Christmas Spectacular! Stay Tuned on Christmas Eve for more! In the meantime, enjoy Busking By Moonlite!

Thanks for listening.