Cameron shirey
Enslave the Creation – Full House, But No Full Deck – S5 E8
Smile while your face melts, nancy!
The Worst Little Podcast – 2015 04 13 – Download Link
Wow! This episode is tight like your mom money clip! We welcome Enslave the Creation, a Reno progressive death metal band, to the show. It’s literally what happens when you combine prog rock and deathmetal.
They come in all nice and congenial and not too smelly, then proceed to lay down enormous face-melting metal! Structured, clean, practiced and blazing. Holy fuckballs, Batman! “Are you ready for brutality?” was actually asked of us during the show. We were not entirely ready – and all this was sans drummer and vocals! You can listen to more of their music at the Enslave the Creation’s reverbnation page. (For you Reno-music-philes, they play in the same league as Cranium.)
Enslave the Creation is Eric Marks, Mike Stewart, Chris Portugal, and Jared Klein. Klien was unable to make it on account of being a loser living in Sacramento, but they muddle on with an excellent track of him nailing all of their songs. They are perpetually auditioning for a lead singer. They’ve never found quite the right match in 5 YEARS of playing shows. If you think you’ve got what it takes, hit them up.
Also in studio are Cameron Shirey, Matt Biondi, Ryan Kelly and Bill Ware, a group of Reno actors, writers and directors who have collaborated in a short film project called “Battle of the Band”. It’s about a contest with only one contestant, but not like you think. Primary shooting begins in May With an expected showing of the film in July at the Good Luck Macbeth theater.
As always, Thanks for Listening!
Undenied – Curtain Call – S3 E36
Off tha’ hook!
Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E33
This week, we’d like to introduce to you the unleashed power of Undenied, a metal band here in Reno. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control and up to the whim of the Norse gods of old, this has turned out to be Undenied’s final performance! EXCLUSIVELY from the Worst Little Podcast in the World at Dogwater Studios. Almost three full seasons in and we STILL bring you exclusive crap every week!
But that’s what we do here at the Worst Little Podcast – we document Reno’s music and bands before they have a chance to break up and fade into ignominy! It happens, and we wish Casey, Fester, Cameron, Dee and Ace nothing but the best in their future endeavors and facemelting!!! These guys are pretty talented, so it won’t surprise me to see them forming other bands or getting snapped up by existing ones. When it comes to bands that entertain us, Undenied is in the winners circles. Lots of fucked up lauchs on the show, including a water sports story. Yes. That’s exactly what I mean. We even have video proof of this wacky tale of hi-jinks gone absolutely right! Just look below:
Wasn’t that fun??? *shudder* Thanks, Undenied! Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out!
Thanks for Listening!