brian sutherland
Nowhere Nevada – from the Silver State to the Silver Screen – S4 E24

Reno Pride – you got some?
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E25 – Download Link
Welcome once again! We’re happy to welcome back to the studio some of the team who worked on Reno’s own movie Nowhere Nevada. Executive Producer Brian Sutherland and the dandy tuna himself, actor Andy Luna (Overload) stop in to let us know the current status of our favorite movie! Nowhere Nevada has been doing well, already having taken a 2nd place prize for Crime dramas in an Ohio film festival.
We play a bunch of songs from the soundtrack and talk a lot of shit this week, with the conversation ranging about wherever our hearts and minds took us. The quiz with Andy Luna is particularly fun – he came to play and did well! I can’t even begin to tell you what we talked about, mainly because I forgot to take notes. We touched on a lot, but most importantly, the Nowhere Nevada fundraiser on 8/8 to help the production team get to the big film festival in SF later this month.
I don’t have much for you this week, except to thank Andy Luna and Brian Sutherland for stopping in, and to wish them, Nick and all the rest of the production team who is going down a lot of broken legs.
Thanks for listening!
Nowhere Nevada: EPISODE 100!!!!!! – S3 E11

That’s right 100 (ish – if you don’t count Best of Episodes or two-part episodes)!!!!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E11
Great fun this week, but the post is going to be light, because Reverend Rory has poor time management skills.
In studio, we have a bunch of cast and crew from the Reno film project “Nowhere, Nevada”. Male Lead, Jef Derderian; Casting Director, Juli Green; Director of Cinematography, Tyler Bourns and Executive Producer, Brian Sutherland all took time out of their pot smoking busy schedules to hang out with us and talk with us about the film – which is almost done!!!! Late late late in the show, we also get a special appearance from Tom Gordon, whose fingerprints are all over the sound of the movie. (Not to mention that we have to thank Just Nick for making a lot of this happen, and Rev. Rory is on screen for about 45 seconds)
It’s a longish show, so we forgot to tell you what’s coming up this weekend – here’s a quick breakdown of the “Staff Picks”:
Shea’s – Spencer Shea, Matt Hutchings and Lepp’s bday celebration with Livitz Livitz and Arden Park Roots (SAC)
Reno Art Works – The Traveling Miracle Show
Bar M Bar – Candyshoppe, Cadillac, Mary Jane Rocket, Matt Waage, Julebox Rebels and lots of Jello Shots
Strega – Bazooka Zoo CD Release Party!
Like I said – poor time management skills.
Thanks for listening!!!!!
Abridged Works and Nowhere Nevada – S2 E 27

I’m late! The White Rabbit died.
Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E26
Hey everybody – sorry about the late post this week. Super busy with the first week of school for The Rockstar Girl and stopping by the hospital to see Her Stitch-lyness. Kinda dropped the ball on this week. Will you forgive me? No? Dick. Fun and fantastic episode this week and totally NOT awkward at all when interviewing my ex, Cheyenne Leigh, about her new business. Abridged Works. She makes hand=crafted jewelry, purses and hair thingys out of old books that were going to the recycle bin. Lots of fun – unique and cool. Someday, it’ll even start paying the bills for her. Someday…
Also, we got big, bad Brian Sutherland, Executive Producer for Nowhere Nevada to come in and pimp the movie a little bit. Just a little. Really, we couldn’t get back to him because Cheyenne kept flapping her gums. As a tribute, we peppered the movie with a bunch of songs used in the soundtrack for Nowhere Nevada. Very sweet stuff. Lots of great tracks. Check out the website and watch the movie trailer. It looks better than we thought it would!
OK, I wanna wrap this up so you can listen to the show finally.
Thanks for listening.