Skew Ring – The Shout-out Episode – S7 E37

S7 E37
Whoa baby boy did we have some fun with this week’s guest, Skew Ring! Little is known about this mysterious five piece band out of Reno, Nevada. That’s what we’re here for! By the end of this episode you will know far too much. Sorry, not sorry. Listen up to hear what the excellent Reno rock band, Skew Ring, has to say/play (spoilers: it’s mostly gay jokes).

Providing a fresh, apathetic sound in an apathetic marketplace is Drew – vocals; Cole/Honkey – bass; Jimmy “not gay but not afraid” – guitar; Adin/Cheech Marin -guitar; Baby-face Ben – drums.

Jimmy – guitarist and professional ring kisser. “He’s not gay but he’s also not afraid.”

Honkey and Jimmy
Skew Ring has been around a short time and even after this podcast, little is still known about these elusive beasts. They have recently played The Saint and The Holland Project and there’s talk of an EP coming out soon. Keep an eye on their Instagram for updates on where you can see them in the wild. And trust me, you should definitely see them in the wild.
Thanks for coming on the show, Skew Ring!
We hope the rest of you had awesome Thanksgiving’s like we did. Last week was pretty rad for Reno music. This week won’t be any different!
Thursday –
Big Gigantic returns to Reno on November 30th at Cargo Concert Hall with support from Brasstracks. Big Gigantic is an instrumental electronic, hip-hop, and jazz musical duo based out of Boulder, and are known as the pioneers of adding live saxophone to dance music. Info and tickets here. 18+ 7 p.m. $26/28 (no fee tickets at Melting Pot)
Friday –
Join us for a look into the dark side of Santa. Thinking about bringing the kids? DON’T. Seriously. At Good Luck Macbeth through December 23rd. $15 adv. Tickets here.
The Brothers Comatose, a five piece bluegrass band from San Francisco, returns to Reno this Friday with support from Reno country duo, Huckleberry Road. Tickets here! Happening at The Saint. 21+ 7 p.m. $16 adv (no fee tickets at Melting Pot)
Saturday –
100.1 The X presents a FREE show featuring indie rocker Van William. In the Showroom at Jub Jub’s 8 p.m. sharp. Get there early! 21+
ONOFF / Knocked Down / Jukebox Rebels/ Corner Store at Shea’s About the bands: ONOFF- Rock n Roll originally from Ireland; Knocked Down- pop punk from CA; Jukebox Rebels- Psychobilly from Carson City; Corner Store- Cat loving Garage punk from Reno. 21+ 8 p.m.
See house legend DJ Dan at 1UP this Saturday night. DJ Dan has been described as America’s hardest working DJ, with a 15 year career playing and producing techno and house music. Tickets here. 21+ 10 p.m. $10/15
Monday –
At the Holland Project, Dingbat Superminx ~ Long Hu ~ Dale ~ Arizona Young, promise to bring you a beautiful night of music + performance art. Details and tickets here. 7 p.m. / $5
Always All-Ages
Tuesday –
Dance Gavin Dance, Polyphia, Icarus The Owl, Wolf & Bear come to Jub Jub’s. Tickets available at Recycled Records, Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor and in advance here. 21+ 7:30 p.m. $17 adv
Tuesday night is going to be HUGE for one of Reno’s hardest working bands, Boss’ Daughter. They’re opening for Rise Against and Pennywise at the Grand Sierra Resort. It’s going to be a crazy time. We’re hella proud of those guys. Get your tickets now! 7:30 p.m.
Don’t forget! Marianarchy Winter Ball is coming up soon! December 8th and 9th. Clink the links for updated lineups for day one and day two.
That’s a wrap. Go see some shit and do some things.
Thanks for listening, Reno!