Blazing Mics
KARMA and Shawarmageddon – KARMAgeddon? – S5 E30

Food and friends!
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E30 – Download Link
Long lost compatriots and great friends, KARMA, who have returned from their long US tour, are back in with us. They crashed the studio recently and hung out, but this time, we are treated to tons of new music! I’m really blown away by the amount of talent that we trick are lucky enough to have on the show even after 5 years. Grab her headphones tight, because they are on fire these days.
Because we are always branching and evolving and changing, we have another food guest on this week – and not one but THREE! Tony, Justin and Wolfgang of Shawarmageddon, a Mediterranean food window in the old Pneumatic Diner location. Shawarmageddon’s motto is “Eat and Destroy” and every shawarma is cook with the love of heavy metal. Good food, good folks, they came to play and have one of the more riotous quizzes on record.
Once again, it’s the end of the post and I’m out of things to say. What can I say, it’s been a loooong day. Check out open mic with Reverend Rory this week and don’t forget to get your advance all-access passes to the Off Beat Festival, Nov. 5-8, all over Reno.
Satellite Serenade – Happy Turkey Day, Turkey – S4 E38

Gobble Gobble!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E38 – Download Link
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We are all enjoying a day with our families, and if you’re listening to the podcast on Turkey Day itself, well, have a drink with us too! We are all so thankful that we have been able to bring this show to you for the better part of four years and feature all sorts of sides of the Reno music scene.
This week, we have Satellite Serenade, a Reno alt-pop duo. Satellite Serenade features the always fun Margy Ford on vocals and the talents of Jon Cornell backing her up on vocals and guitar. Jon and Margy have played together many times before in other projects, but this is their first time as a dynamic duo and they are mindblowing. Great songwriting and strong vocals are a hallmark of this young band.
We also make a few calls on the episode. First we talk to Joe Atack about his upcoming show at Bruka Theater, Ham for the Holidays. It’s a fun farce about the holidays and an old timey radio station – a true nerdfest for all of you audiophiles. The interview is during a rehearsal and the cast passes around the phone and we are treated to some interviews with the characters themselves. Ham will open on 12/5/14.
We also have a chat with our favorite mentalist, Xelena Empress of the Impossible! She treats us to a few feats over the phone, but is she always right? Listen for more! YOu can also check her out at the next Blazing Mics and see if you can win her $500 prediction challenge – she picked next Monday’s football game and is putting a parlay card, among other valuables, on the line.
Our family keeps growing and we welcome, Cole the Honkey to the show as Rick’s newest intern. But enough about him. If you want to catch Satellite Serenade, they will be playing at Marianarchy in just a few weeks. Chek them out and support a local artist at the same time!
Thanks for Listening.
Boss’ Daughter – Songs About Drinking – S4 E37

Dicks! Lots of Dicks!
The Worst Little Podcast – S4 E37
The holidays are almost here and as the cold weather bursts upon us, so does the new sensation sweeping the Reno Nation – Boss’ Daughter! Chris Fox, Danny Paul and Jamie Locks comprise this new Reno punk band. With a depth of experience behind them, they kick some serious ass. Boss’ Daughter has been pretty active the last couple of months to the delight of scores of jaded show-goers.
I also just want to say: Chris likes dicks. Lots of dicks. Find out how he gets dozens of dicks late in the show! That being said: this show was a blast. We had a lot of fun talking at to the band, about their evolution, the grammatical complexities of their name and drinking. They don’t have a CD quite yet, but are working on it. Beyond that though, Boss Daughter can be found on facebook and will be playing at the Alley this weekend and Jub Jub’s with the Ataris on Dec. 6th.
Coming up this week at Blazing Mics we have good friend of the show, Larry Cooper hosting. It’ should be a great time and we’d love to see you. Enjoy Reno ComiCon if you’re attending the perennial nerd event.
Thanks for listening!
Lawrence Coleman III and James Dilworth: Sierra Nevada Serendipity – S3 E6

I love it when a lack of planning comes together.
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E6
I had rescheduled and rescheduled both of the guests this week, Lawrence Coleman III and James Dilworth. Finally, we got the dates set. Then “Larry” decides to bring an entourage with him – seriously, like 2 extra people! AND we had the Bryce the intern and Spencer the PA there. It was a goddamn circus. But, like the circus, creepily entertaining.
Lawrence Coleman III is the guitarist for Livitz Livitz, but he comes in and throws down a few original tunes that he’s been working on. He brought accompaniment, but his chauffeur, Johnny Mo, is a chauffeur, not a percussionist. No instead, Lawrence picks up a drummer, this awesome guy, Marcello, out of the damn ether and brings him in for a jam session on the show!!! And quietly, in the background is loyal listener Nicole! She got a behind the scenes tour of her favorite Reno podcast… and at least said she had a good time. I guess there are benefits to being friends with Lawrence Coleman III. (I’m not convinced)
James Dilworth is a Reno filmmaker, poet, translator, instructor and writer about town. Currently he is showing a series of four short films that he has written and directed. The next showing will be on March 23 – listen to the show to find out where!
We also field a call from the Vampirates on the show! Chris and Dave check in with us minutes before taking the stage in Albequerque. They have a FUCKED up story about getting to the Bay Area that you should really listen to.
Really great show this week – we get really disgusting and bawdy; Larry does a great Max Volume impersonation; spent a lot of time on the State of the Scene; met the awesomely talented and funny Marcello; busted Johnny Mo’s chops endlessly. Good times.
Don’t forget to check out the Blazing Mics at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor this week with host Chris “Puddin'” Hart. It’s always a good time and remember – every performer gets a free drink, $25 bar tab for the best performance, AND there are ALWAYS $1 Monkey Juice shots!
Thanks for Listening!
Altered Ego: Leaving It All Behind – S2 E30

Smokin’ hot show for ya!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E28
As we enjoy the dregs of summer, we also get to enjoy the dregs of Gerlach! Our friends Christy Lynn and Lacy Webb of ALtered Ego were finally able to get some time to come back into the city before they head out to California for the fall. Christy Lynn was on the show about a year ago, but since then, she has teamed up with Lacy to become one of the most powerful duets in town. You can hear how they met at an open mic right at the top of the show – we just jump right into it this week. We were supposed to have them in a while back, but we had to cancel it on account of Burning Man. Luckily, they were able to pinch hit for another guest who couldn’t make it this week! Thanks again, ladies!
We were also joined by Sean Ralls of the People In Cities (P.I.C.) Project. Brainchild of Lindsey Lawson, Reno resident and UNR student, the P.I.C. Project is ateempting to document the stories and efforts of individuals all across the country, to getting the word out and sharing their inspirations. It’s a pretty cool thing that they are doing and you should check it out. Sean was following ALtered Ego around when we made this happy connection. We’ll be doing more with them in the future, so keep on the lookout!
Also – the new phonebooks are here! The new phonebooks are here!
No, not really (and who uses a phonebook these days anymore anyway), but the INTERN IS HERE! That’s right, we have a temporary addition to our podcast family – Spencer Kilpatrick. He taking a class at UNR with ‘Too Tall’ Tom Gordon and was unlucky enough to draw ‘Dogwater Studios’ out of the hat for his semester internship. He hasn’t screwed up too much yet, but he’s only been here for a week. We’ll put him in the hot seat and give him the Quiz one of these weeks, maybe even let him talk. Welcome, Spencer – this is the last time I’ll be nice to you!
Well that’s it. Get out of here. Listen to the show!
And thanks for listening!