abridged works
Abridged Works and Nowhere Nevada – S2 E 27

I’m late! The White Rabbit died.
Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E26
Hey everybody – sorry about the late post this week. Super busy with the first week of school for The Rockstar Girl and stopping by the hospital to see Her Stitch-lyness. Kinda dropped the ball on this week. Will you forgive me? No? Dick. Fun and fantastic episode this week and totally NOT awkward at all when interviewing my ex, Cheyenne Leigh, about her new business. Abridged Works. She makes hand=crafted jewelry, purses and hair thingys out of old books that were going to the recycle bin. Lots of fun – unique and cool. Someday, it’ll even start paying the bills for her. Someday…
Also, we got big, bad Brian Sutherland, Executive Producer for Nowhere Nevada to come in and pimp the movie a little bit. Just a little. Really, we couldn’t get back to him because Cheyenne kept flapping her gums. As a tribute, we peppered the movie with a bunch of songs used in the soundtrack for Nowhere Nevada. Very sweet stuff. Lots of great tracks. Check out the website and watch the movie trailer. It looks better than we thought it would!
OK, I wanna wrap this up so you can listen to the show finally.
Thanks for listening.