a salon 7
Kelly Ogilvie and Jarrod Evans: Twice A Day – S3 E9

And BAM! just like that, people come through!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E9
Hello all you fine people out there in internet land! Since nothing goes off without a hitch around here, we had some scheduling problems because Reverend Rory is an asshole. But our good friend Jarrod Evans, bassist from Slut Fungus, was able to come in and throw down some acoustic tracks with us. Thanks for coming through, mang!
Also in the studio is Reno artist Kelly Ogilvie. She has a show that will be closing at Reno Art Works on April 25. Her show, Well Red, will be on display until then. Ogilvie is a painter and fiber artist, meaning she makes art from fibers and materials. I’ve also seen her do a little spot welding here and there – follow the hyperlink on her name to find her FB page and check out some of her art there. As talented as she is adorable, Kelly kinda keeps quiet until the quiz. THEN the gloves really come off and we all fall in love with her.
Also want to mention that there is a great show this weekend at the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club in the Pioneer Underground with Frankie Quinones. Would have had a phoner, but for the aforementioned scheduling issues, it didn’t happen. However, personally, Frankie seems like a pretty cool guy, so you should go support him and Reno Comedy at the club this Friday or Saturday night!
And if you’re looking for something do do, don’t forget about Stregapalooza this Friday night, hosted by Reverend Rory (who will play a set as well) and featuring THREE of Nick’s bands. Saturday, Rev. Rory will also be at A Salon 7 for their 9th annual White Party Fundraiser. All obvious jokes aside (like the ones we make on the episode), this is another really great benefit – this year it will be going to FOUR separate charities. Pretty killer.
Anyway…. Thanks for listening!!!
Dale Kellams: One Complicated Life – S3 E8

Fuckyourdeath: The 2013 Edition
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S3 E8
This past Sunday morning, we lost an important part of the Reno scene – guitarist, songwriter and frontman Dale Kellams gave up the ghost in his fight with cancer. It fuckin’ sucks. Dale was a good friend to many people and a seminal influence on the music of Reno since the ’90s. We pay tribute to Dale this episode by playing a bunch of SPROUT songs and talking about his goofy ass.
We also have in the studio, the ever filthy and inappropriate, Jenny PezDespencer. Not only was she a very close friend to Dale, but she was also originally booked to come on and promote A Salon 7’s 9th Annual White Party Fundraiser. With her is our new friend Phillip Brown. The two of them are dirty, dirty birds and should be spanked. Repeatedly. Slowly. 😉
After the weekend recap, we get a call in from Dave Masud of The Vampirates, who are just having the craziest tour out on the East Coast. Currently in Florida, they’ll be back in time for Marianarchy 2013: A Benefit for Dale Kellams. We look forward to more updates from the road.
That’s about all I have for this week. Pour one down for Dale, enjoy the show and memories and we’ll see you later.
Thanks for listening.