Blacklisted – Crab legs and Narcos – S6 E4

Silly Pagans and blood sausage.
The Worst Little Podcast – S6 E4 – Download Link
This week we have Blacklisted which consists of Freddy and Derek. You may know them from Corner/Store – formerly The Tides. They are currently an instrumental band. However, they are looking for a singer. Bassist could be necessary as well. Inquire within.
Typically this is when we would tell you where to see them live next. Not the case this time. They are still working on their thing. Keep an eye on the Blacklisted Facebook page for updates. This weekend at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor will be Skate Jam 2016 though. Plenty of great bands playing that event.
Everyone send Rick a little love. Think about him, hug him when you see him next, send him an “I’m thinking about you” text, or hug someone you love right now because life is short, and we all love you.
Here is a picture of Nick that is full of more cool than you can shake a stick at:
CRUSH – Start stuffing words in there! – S6 E3

Gollum in a wizard’s hat.
The Worst Little Podcast – S6 E3 – Download Link
Valentine’s Day draws near, Reverend Rory is out of the country, and we get that loving feeling with the lads of CRUSH. Aaron, Daniel, and Jimmy talk about getting the band back together, their newer direction, and how Pharrell killed their “Happy.” Check out how they define fuzz rock with their new tunes.
At Jub Jub’s this Friday you can rock out at Bands for Bernie. The Atomiks, Roxxy Collie, Wheatstone Bridge, Mikie Shame & Nick Ramirez will all be playing. On Saturday Spectre Records will be celebrating their one year anniversary with a concert in their store. Alphabet Cult, People With Bodies, and Flores will be playing. Based on what Dogwater Dick had to say, you should be keeping an ear out for some new Murderock soon.
Catch CRUSH this Friday, February 12, at MidTown Wine Bar. Fun starts at 8 P.M., goes until 11 P.M., it is 21+, and there is no cover. That means FREE! Grab your date and get your V.D. started early.
Go hug someone, tell them they are beautiful, and let them know they are loved! Then go catch a show.
The Hunt Club – Fresh as the Driven Snow – S6 E2

…which is, fairly filthy…
The Worst Little Podcast – S6 E2 – Download Link
Welcome to February, the bleakest time of year, where the sun hides and we all turn into murderous lunatics. Good luck out there! To ease your wintry-woes, we have on the show this week, The Hunt Club, a Reno electronica band. Seriously, there’s not much else like them right now in town and they are the shit. Aside from the fact that they have not played out a whole lot, you should really check them out as you can.
Nick’s back this week and we talk a little at the top of the show about his perception of the wedding and his honeymoon. It’s good to have Pickles back in the saddle.
Really The Hunt Club is awesome. Really really good shit.
Thanks for Listening!
Lil Mijhos – Running with Smoking Scissors – S6 E1

…and it happened with a BANG!
Worst Little Podcast – S6 E1 – Download Link
Good morrow, good friends! It’s a fine fine start to Season 6 we have here, with some upstarts in the Reno music scene, Lil Mijhos! Reice Guerrero and Tyler Charles roll up on Dogwater and pump out some kick ass tunes. They’ve got an alt/punk thing going on with a lot of energy and groove to it. I highly recommend checking them out at your next opportunity.
We also take a phone call from friend of the show, Kye Alfred Hillig. Kye came through town a couple years ago and has kept in touch during his travels! This week he’s promoting his new album, Great Falls Memorial Interchange. It’s not out yet, but you can listen to the track mentioned in the show by clicking on this link: Yes Grinning Face of Death
Good stuff. Get your listen on.
We would also be remiss if we did not also throw out a big congratulations to the happy couple, Nick Ramirez and Mikie Haley! They tied the know! It’s official! It was awesome! More later when Nick’s back in the saddle.
Thanks for Listening!