The actual show
Season Opener Postponed
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we were not able to record Season 11 Episode 1 last night. Our apologies to our guests, Asphalt Socialites, who you can expect to hear on an unspecified-at-this-time upcoming episode,
We are just as bummed as you and can’t wait to talk music soon.
Love to you all!

Thank you, Reno
WLP – NOW on Spotify!!!!
We are happy to announce that you can now listen to all the episodes of your favorite local music podcast on Spotify! Currently, we only have episodes going back to May, but you can access the Archives directly on our website!
Please find us on Spotify and follow us today!

News and Entertainment all in one stop!
We are proud to announce our community partnership with our newest sponsor, This Is Reno. They will be featuring our podcast feed on their homepage, so while you check out the events of the day, WLP is right at your fingertips.
ThisisReno is your source for daily Reno news and events for Reno, Sparks, the Truckee Meadows and beyond. Founded in 2009, this independent news source is locally owned and operated. Stay up to date with community issues, politics, industry, culture and events by following and subscribing to ThisisReno.
For more information, visit https://thisisreno.com/
S6 E7 technical difficulty delay
Hi, all.
Working on getting your new podcast up, but hit a snag with uploading files.
Stay tuned for a great episode featuring Sil Shoda and Nick Ramirez.
Hi, kids,
No episode this week – Rev. Rory and Nick caught the creepin’ crud while backstage at the Tooth of Crime this weekend. Meanwhile, Rick is still getting the new studio dialed in so he wasn’t too dismayed by the extra week off. Unfortunately we missed getting to talk with our Reno friends, Infecto Skeletons, and also Tacoma-area musician and friend of the show, Kye Alfred Hillig, who is back on tour this spring. Kye is a fantastic musician and hell of a guy to hang out with. And I’m super bummed to have missed him! Catch Kye Alfred Hillig out at Monolith Bar this Saturday night with Paul Jordan.
Our other guests this week were supposed to be Infecto Skeletons, a Reno punk rock legend in the making. The Infectos have a couple of really big shows coming up that they wanted us to let you know about. First, on April First (no joke), the Infectos, along with Out For War, The Liver Scars and The Vampirates will be opening for the the truly legendary D.R.I. at Jub Jub’s Thirst Parlor. This is going to be an insane show! You better be there!
Then, later in the month, on every slacker’s favorite holiday, 4/20, Infecto Skeletons get the chance to play with Denver’s In The Whale and SoCal’s own skate punk pioneers, Agent Orange at Shea’s Tavern. Some truly earth shattering punk rock happenin’ in the RNO.
Also don’t forget that this is your last weekend to go see Sam Shepard’s “Tooth of Crime: Second Dance” at Jub Jub’s featuring Nick and Reverend Rory along with Kevin long, John Lutz, Jill Marlene, Scott Dundas, The Vampirates and Jeff Done and starring Lew Zaumeyer and Andy Luna, and directed by Dave Richards.
Thanks for listening!
Dogwater Studios is Moving!
Hey everyone – we are taking the week off. As we have mentioned repeatedly in the past year, Dogwater Dick needs to move the studio from Sparks to Reno and moving day is finally here! Additionally, Nick and Reverend Rory are in the final week of rehearsals for the immersive Rock and Theater experience, Sam Sheppard’s “Tooth of Crime: Second Dance“. You should check it out when it opens this Thursday, 3/12.
See you in a week!
Coming Soon…..
Hey Folks, Reverend Rory here – this week’s episode will be delayed until tonight. Too many holiday things to do this week! But don’t you fear, we’ll have the special-est Christmas show up that include tunes from Princess Bombs, Deadly Gallows, Haggis Rising and more!!!
See you on the flip side.
Whoops – Episode Missing
Hey folks,
We weren’t able to record this week due a rather unfortunate case of fail. Dogwater Dick was beat up by old ladies while at work and Reverend Rory couldn’t find his pants. We had a great show lined up – and duly apologize to our guests, Jenny Oxier and Meredith Tanzer of Salon 7’s 10th annual White Party and local vocalist, Micheal Jackson. We’ll try to get them back another time.
Just so you know, the 10th annual White Party Fundraiser will be happening at Salon 7 once again this year. There will be fashion, music, dancing and hawt people! Once again your Renofamous celebrity concierges will be the fabulously filthy jenny Pezdespencer and myself. All door proceeds benefit Build Our Center, a great local family friendly group. The White Party at Salon 7 will be on April 5. Chekkout the bump.
Also not on the show is comedian Justin Rupple. Once again he will be gracing the hallowed halls of the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club inside the Pioneer Underground this weekend. “Men: Explained” is the name of the show and you can catch it on Friday 3/21 at 8:30 pm and Saturday 3/22 at 6:30pm and 9:30 pm.
That’s all – catch you nest week with the farewell show of Hella Acapella.
If You Cannot Hear This Podcast, Please Contact Station Management
Forgot to mention – Dogwater Dick had an emergency this week and had to cancel the podcast.
We’ll be back next week for an exciting episode with Prescription!