33 Black – Craigslist Hookup – S8 E13

S8 E15
Oh hi, I didn’t see you there! Welcome to the Worst Little Podcast. Your hosts Nick, Kadillac Kim, and Dogwater Dick are here with some fresh faces to the Reno music scene, 33 Black. This week’s podcast has gone country! Yeehaw! Listen up for some new music from these up-and-comers, along with a heavy dose of inappropriate banter. Like we do.

33 Black is a very serious band and is made up of Travis and Jeb on vocals and guitar, and Spencer on drums
33 Black was formed back in the day (they never got around to telling us which day exactly) when Jeb and Travis, who were high school sweethearts friends, met Spencer on the internet. But unlike most Craigslist hookups, this one lasted.
Thank’s to 33 Black for being Kim’s reason to get drunk this week! Their next show is in Chico on June 14th but look for local shows soon. As always, stay tuned to the Worst Little Podcast for news about the band, and check them out on iTunes to listen to their two EPs that are out now. We will be following 33 Black with interest and we can’t wait to see where these guys go!
Thanks so much for listening. We’re really glad you’re here. This week Kim has some pretty crazy picks for you. Don’t miss the following:
Thursday – LAF: Wolf Creek Boys/Mason Frey/Delani White/Aaron Acquafondata Loud As Folk is back this week at Pignic! 21+ 8PM No Cover
Friday – 24HR MakeAThon – Don’t miss this Generator membership drive and fundraiser. 30+ workshops, 20+ performances, movies, beer, burlesque, and drag bingo! Click the link for info and tickets and if you’d like to volunteer for a free ticket, hit us up ASAP! 24 straight hours starting at 6PM. All ages.
Loud As Folk Family Jam at the Generator 9PM to 2AM. All ages.
Saturday – DRAG BINGO at the Generator at 2PM. All ages. Win great prizes!
Sunday – Coastlands/Kanawha/Blacklisted check out two former podcast bands, Kanawha and Blacklisted at the Saint. 21+ 8PM No Cover
If you’re a fan of the show please consider donating to our Patreon so we can reimburse Rick for all he does for Reno music. He’s doing the lords work recording and archiving all this local music for y’all for free, so throw a little money his way. Rick and Jesus are homies so if you help Rick he’ll put a good word in for you. Hell knows we could all use all the help we can get in that area… It has been an absolute pleasure, as always, Reno. Tune in next week for local singer-songwriter Joni Blinman. Remember, life is short and we love you.
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