Stingray Tattoo
Have Yourself A Merry Little Podcast – S2 E40

The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E 39
I’m not going to get into it this week. We have Rikku in the studio and Ashley Polanski, local thespian and performer, to talk about Good Luck MacBeth and their new location. (The Dr. Sketchy thing was actually last night… so… whoops). Rikku sings soem songs, forces us to sing with her, then sings some more as we talk inappropriately over her head.
Listen to the show. Get drunk. Have warm fuzzys and hold the person you love tight.
I’m going to be thinking about a girl in Portland that I miss and drinking a steaming glass of whiskey.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Rory, Rick, Nick, Josh, Spencer, Shaun and all of our families.
We do all this for you and couldn’t do it without you!
Thanks for Listening!
Betty Rocker: Cookin’ Up Awesome – S2 E39

We took a week off last week in light of the national tragedy – too many voices yelling in your ear. But here we are, back on schedule with:
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E38
We kept off the interwebz last week, given the national tragedy and a small personal tragedy we talk about on the show this week (hint: Rev. Rory can not use the word ‘gainfully’ at this time). While the announcements on the show are as dated as say, last week’s episode, the music of Betty Rocker never gets stale!!! Carsonite trio of power rockers, Carolyn Gates (bass), Rick Charles (drum) and Betty “Carla” Rocker (git) made the trip up to Reno to hang with us at the old smelly studio.
While they’ve only been playing for less than a year, Betty Rocker has quickly developed a following around their tough, tight sound. Gates, you may remember, is also the drummer for Blunderbusst, another one of our favorite Carson bands. We’re kind of having an amazing invasion of great music from the relative isolation of our state capitol. There might not be much of a scene for entertainment down there, but they are breeding performers like bunnies on a ranch!
Oh. It’s also Intern Spencer’s last show with us; it’s also his first show running the whole thing. SO any awkward or technical difficulties (like that time the power was out for 2 hours) is totally his fault. If this show sucks, it’s his fault. Rory says “yea, no” too much? It’s his fault. Your coffee doesn’t taste right? His fault. I hope we’ve all learned something from this experience.
Keep your ears posted for Betty Rocker shows in the next little while.
Thanks for listening!
Red Mercury*: A Second Dose – S2 E37

Hella holla!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E36
Hey-o! After a bunch of scheduling and technical difficulties, we got this episode off the ground and plowed through, coming up with something like a show! Tom McInturf from Red Mercury* showed up this week to save our ass by being the gurst. he was happy too since he’s here to plug the latest Red Mercury* album, “When Galaxies Collide”, a concept album. Some of the music is new, some written just for the album. It was about a year ago that the whole band, including Mike Adragna and Morgan Hough came on to rock it out live.
Unfortunately, Red Mercury* joins the long line of Reno bands that break up right after they record an album. Morgan was stolen away in the night by Spencer the Intern to play with The Big Bad. It was all going so well too until Tom attacked Spence in the hallway… just kidding, but that would have been awesome, right? Try harder next time, Tom.
Also joining us via the tele-ma-phone is Susan jones, a Seattle area comedian, who will be appearing at the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club in the Pioneer Underground this Friday and saturday (11/30 and 12/1). Susan brought the funny! She is the kind of comedy guest we like – chit chat, jokes, plugs, jokes and out. Like a boss! ZI may sound a little disinterested in the tape, but I was dealing with some of the aforementioned tech difficulties during the show. (The new phone doesn’t work like the old one… 🙁 ) But we like her – mildly inappropriate and edgy, Susan Jones is a ton of fun. No really, shes a BBBW. Check out her webside WannaRollAFatty if you don’t believe me. Also be sure to check out her show at the Reno Tahoe Comedy Club – it will be being filmed for a DVD! So get out there and get your voice on a DVD, right before she shuts you down, heckler!
Also – don’t forget the following weekend! Marianarchy, Marianarchy, Marianarchy!!!! Marianarchy Winterball 2012 – A Benefit for Tom Plunkett!!! December 7 and 8 from about 4pm until 2 am both days. As always, 28 local bands coming together for one good cause – helping out the awesome Tommy Plunkett. And fuck cancer. Please be there, if just to stop by and say hi. Nick and Rory will be running around, keeping the whole show on track – at least until Rory gets his birthday drunk on! Can he do 10 carbombs in one day and still be an effective host? Be able to get laid? We shall see…. Looking forward to seeing all of you there!
Thanks for listening!
Stabby Unicorn: Prancecore! – S2 E35

Some days are just made for sleeping in.
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E33
Hey Kids – how about a spooky podcast? Well, tough shit. Halloween is now over – it’s November and we all know that means it’s just 50-some odd shopping days until the burning death and destruction predicted in the Mayan calendar! In Studio this week, we have Eric Foreman, Daisy Foreman (no relation), and Rhiannon Box of Stabby Unicorn. If you want to know what they soud like, I’d hazard that it’s 80s goth/dance music with the sensibilities of 90s shoe-gazer rock… or something like that.
Sorry it’s late again this week, but it’s a busy freaking season right now!!! Lots of great stuff happening over at the DOgwater Studios, including the release of the great (Un)Discovered 2012 comp, originally recordded in the backyard back in the beginning of the summer. Stabby Unicorn is on it, so is Rev. Rory – but he sucks and totally froze up. Stabby Unicorn didn’t – they killed it. Contact CherryBear Records or Dogwater Studios for your very own copy!
I’ve gotta run do this is about it. Go see Stabby Unicorn! Problably the best new Reno band this year, IMHO.
Thanks for listening!
The Big Bad: Down and Dirty – S2 E 34

Bring it, son!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link -Season 2 Episode 32
So, I’m late. Again! And I’ll just apologize right now – this post is just gettin’ it done. No disrespect to The Big Bad, but between a computer meltdown, the (Un)Discovered comp Release on Tuesday at the Dogwater Punkin’ Carving Party, The Nowhere Nevada Carnival at Jub Jubs on Saturday, and the Rocky Horror Halloween Bash with Pinky Polanski at Cargo tonight at 8p and 12m, I’ve been slammed for time! And Not going to be my most thoughtful post yet.
I didn’t even actually make it to the show this past Monday because of a tech rehearsal for RHPS. Nick manned the ship this week.When I saw him later at the Blazing Mics open mic at Jub Jub’s he just told me, “Those guys are amazing.” I for one will just say, I really really like The Big Bad. Every time I have gotten to see them, they have killed it. New frontman Tree Woods is an old friend of mine and what he ads to the stew is like putting ghost chile’s on top of a roasted habanero curry powder! These guys are HOTT!
OK – well I gotta go talk to someone about gold speedos. Go watch The Big Bad sometime. Morgan, Spencer, Clint and Tree are about as genuine and sincere people and performers as you’re going to get in Reno. Bring a date and get down to that shit.
Thanks for listening.
DJ Heidilicious: Put on Your Dancin’ Shoes – S2 E33

I could talk to this woman all damn day.
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E31
Hey, friends! It’s good to see you again! Whether you are at work, at home, Portland or Zanzibar, I hope you’re ready for some face-melting fabulousness. DJ Heidilicious came by to stomp on the studio this week and knows how to party, bringing her signature box o’ Franzia with her and getting us a little wine buzzy. She’s been really active in the Reno EDM scene this last year, playing clubs, promoting friends and organizing shows. Heidilicious is down for the scene and thinks it’s time for the scene to get down. We’ve never had a DJ like her on before and it was fun to watch her work.
DJ Heidilicious is also a part of the Reno Sound Collective, a group of local DJs that are putting on shows together sometimes at your club or other times at the house down the street. I personally really enjoyed watching them on Ustream a few weeks ago when I was at home doing laundry and housecleaning. To borrow a phrase from the 80s and 90s, it was some dope-ass shit. Heidilicious gives us a few tastes of the sonic goodness – a teaser, if you will. Her beets will trickle right down to your feets, shakin’ those hips on the way down.
From the gang, Rick Nick and Rory all talk about their weekends (although Rick’s weekend is EASILY the best story). As usual, they scope out the coming weekend for you with some of their picks of shows to see. DJ Heidilicious also has some upcoming shows, so please support some local music and check her ass out. It’s a nice one. We aren’t afraid of the beats and neither should you be – get out ans see something different, hang out with people you don’t know – it could be fun.
Thanks for listening!
Scarlet Presence: Shredding into the Future – S2 E32

These tech difficulties brought to you by FML Producions!
The Worst Little Podcast S2 E30 – Download Link
There’s a whole set of awesome young musicians in Reno. We’ve talked to some of them on here before. Scarlet Presence is definitely one of them. These rock and roll rippers sat in with us with the full setup and shreddecd out some great tracks for us. Singer and Guitar-er, Michelle Coleman; Drummer, Carter Stellon; and future pizza delivery guy Bassist, Jonesy Pelsue invaded the Dogwater Studios this week to kill it for us. Michelle has got some powerful pipes and plays guitar like she was born with one in her hands. The boys round out the rythm quite nicely – but let’s face it, it’s all about her.
Besides the awesome that is Scarlet Presence, we also had some great phone interviews this week. First up is Rev. Rory’s long-time and very good friend Lucio “Reverend Screamin’ Fingers” Menegon. Lucio moved out to NYC from the Bay Area some time ago and is back for a West Coast Wake up call. He’ll be performing at Reno Art Works this Saturday for a night of music, noise and art. Also on the show is comedian Justin Russell who will be appearing at the Pioneer Underground Comedy Club all weekend long. The call with him could have gone better, but we had some severe lag issues.
Lots of good shows coming up this month – including Scalet Presence at the alley on the 18th, and Strega on the 20th. Also want to mention the Rocky Horror show at CommRow on Friday the 26th – featuring live music by Pinky Polanski and emceed by Reverend Rory AND the Nowhere Nevada fundraiser on Saturday the 27th. It’s October – one of the best show and pary months all year, so stay tuned!
Thanks for listening!
Axe Trax and Imirage Sound Lab: Your Musical Heritage, Reno (Pt 2) – S2 E31

…and welcome back!
The Worst Little Podcast – 2012 09 24 (Part 2)
To recap -Tom Gordon, Dr. D, Alan, Axe Trax, Imirage. Nick got to drive the car this week cause I’m a jerk and cut out on a lot of cool songs and conversation. I’m sure there were a lot of nerdgasm moments talking about different microphones and sound boards and knob turning. Wooooo….. The wind would have been useful …..
Axe Trax and Imirage helped set the stage for a lot of other studios that have come and gone in the interim, giving crappy little studios like us something to shoot for. It’s overlooked how much good sound engineers and audio producers contribute to live shows and recording. Dogwater Dick, Tom, Dr. D, Alan and LOTS of unsung heroes of music quietly sit at the lighted desk and make it happen, make it possible for prima-donnas like Nick and myself to do what we do. So, a sincere “Get back to work!” “Thank you,” is in order..
Ok – that’s really it. Now I need to listen to some 3 hours of podcast – to make sure The Intern didn’t fuck up!
Thanks for listening!
Axe Trax and Imirage Sound Lab: Your Musical Heritage, Reno (Pt.1) – S2 E31

Listen up! This is some serious shit!
The Worst Little Podcast – 2012 09 24 (Part 1)
So, we’ve talked about it and teased it since last year when we had him on, but it’s finally here: The Second Coming of Tom Gordon. And this time he brought friends and more music! Not just other music, but literally MORE tracks that are a part of the music and entertainment legacy of Reno. Specifically from Axe Trax Studios and Imirage Sound Lab. Joining him are Dr. Davis and Alan from Imiage. Dr. D is a pioneer of recording music in Reno, being a part of the first recording studios in Reno in the late 1970s and early 1980s. To hear him tell it, it wasn’t far off from wax cylinders and telegraph wires. As a musician and sound wizard, Dr. D has helped build the local recording industry, working with national acts and local bands alike. Alan… well, I dunno. I had to leave early and he didn’t get much of a chance to get a word in before I left. But he seemed really nice. I’d totally introduce him to my mom. (Not really, but that sounds nice doesn’t it.)
Kaysolike I was sayin’, Tom brought a lot of great songs from both Axe Trax and Imirage spanning 30 years. This weekend, 9/29/2012, is the 30th Anniversary of the studio and they brought an enormous amount of audio including Lee Greenwoond, Diana Ross, Lionel Ritchie and local music heroes, Cranium. Now – they brought all of this, but I wasn’t there, like I said. (I had to get down to the Blazing Mic at Jub Jub’s) I don’t know how much they played or what exactly, but the list is tremendous. I know they went for the full three hours again. And once again, we had to split the audio into two separate podcasts!
So, keep listening and we’ll pick this up on the flipside…..
Altered Ego: Leaving It All Behind – S2 E30

Smokin’ hot show for ya!
The Worst Little Podcast – Download Link – S2 E28
As we enjoy the dregs of summer, we also get to enjoy the dregs of Gerlach! Our friends Christy Lynn and Lacy Webb of ALtered Ego were finally able to get some time to come back into the city before they head out to California for the fall. Christy Lynn was on the show about a year ago, but since then, she has teamed up with Lacy to become one of the most powerful duets in town. You can hear how they met at an open mic right at the top of the show – we just jump right into it this week. We were supposed to have them in a while back, but we had to cancel it on account of Burning Man. Luckily, they were able to pinch hit for another guest who couldn’t make it this week! Thanks again, ladies!
We were also joined by Sean Ralls of the People In Cities (P.I.C.) Project. Brainchild of Lindsey Lawson, Reno resident and UNR student, the P.I.C. Project is ateempting to document the stories and efforts of individuals all across the country, to getting the word out and sharing their inspirations. It’s a pretty cool thing that they are doing and you should check it out. Sean was following ALtered Ego around when we made this happy connection. We’ll be doing more with them in the future, so keep on the lookout!
Also – the new phonebooks are here! The new phonebooks are here!
No, not really (and who uses a phonebook these days anymore anyway), but the INTERN IS HERE! That’s right, we have a temporary addition to our podcast family – Spencer Kilpatrick. He taking a class at UNR with ‘Too Tall’ Tom Gordon and was unlucky enough to draw ‘Dogwater Studios’ out of the hat for his semester internship. He hasn’t screwed up too much yet, but he’s only been here for a week. We’ll put him in the hot seat and give him the Quiz one of these weeks, maybe even let him talk. Welcome, Spencer – this is the last time I’ll be nice to you!
Well that’s it. Get out of here. Listen to the show!
And thanks for listening!