John Underwood – Siberian Haze – S5 E9

Fresh off the road!
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E9 – Download Link
John Underwood breezes back into town, fresh off tour, and stops in for a private final performance of the tour, just for you! While you might not be impressed that a solo guy just came back from a NW tour, it’s a little more complicated than that. I walk into the studio and John is surrounded by no less than 9 instruments, replete with horns and a rhythm section, one foot processor and a couple mics. And he plays them all on all of the songs. It was insane. Despite an enrapturing and butt-numbing 13 minute song, it was truly a treat of a performance.
Also in studio, we welcome back our good friend, Evan Humphreys! You may remember Evan from such project as: The Rocky Horror Extravaganza, Pinky Polanski, Aversion Therapy and… The Worst Little Podcast Theme! Today, Evan has another project he wanted to talk about. Pull the Plug Audio, a Reno NV off-the-grid performance audio company. They have hi-performance audio equipment that runs on high-performance batteries, perfect for outdoor or mobile events such as Burning Man or Reno Earth Day 2015! Pull the Plug Audio will be providing sound to the two main stages, as well as 2 or 3 more side stages, all day on Sunday. If you’re interested in ‘green’ tech or cordless gear, these are the guys you want to check out and ask questions of. Even spoke techno-babble. It was like listening to opera in Italian and I don’t speak Italian.
Lastly, bust mostly firstly in the show order (so if you’re listening and reading this you already know what I’m about to say) , we take a long distance call from our good friends in KARMA! They are ensconced in studio in New York right now and actually recording themselves while we tried to called them and then, Oh! hilarity that ensued! Good to talk to the kids. If you miss them ornever heard of them or are a lukewarm, but like to be in the know you can check them out this coming May 1st! A live feed of their performance at The Bitter End, “New York City’s Oldest Rock Club” will be available. THey say they’ll be up at 10PM PST on a friday, so check them out before you head out. Pre-party with good KARMA!
Thanks for Listening!
Enslave the Creation – Full House, But No Full Deck – S5 E8

Smile while your face melts, nancy!
The Worst Little Podcast – 2015 04 13 – Download Link
Wow! This episode is tight like your mom money clip! We welcome Enslave the Creation, a Reno progressive death metal band, to the show. It’s literally what happens when you combine prog rock and deathmetal.
They come in all nice and congenial and not too smelly, then proceed to lay down enormous face-melting metal! Structured, clean, practiced and blazing. Holy fuckballs, Batman! “Are you ready for brutality?” was actually asked of us during the show. We were not entirely ready – and all this was sans drummer and vocals! You can listen to more of their music at the Enslave the Creation’s reverbnation page. (For you Reno-music-philes, they play in the same league as Cranium.)
Enslave the Creation is Eric Marks, Mike Stewart, Chris Portugal, and Jared Klein. Klien was unable to make it on account of being a loser living in Sacramento, but they muddle on with an excellent track of him nailing all of their songs. They are perpetually auditioning for a lead singer. They’ve never found quite the right match in 5 YEARS of playing shows. If you think you’ve got what it takes, hit them up.
Also in studio are Cameron Shirey, Matt Biondi, Ryan Kelly and Bill Ware, a group of Reno actors, writers and directors who have collaborated in a short film project called “Battle of the Band”. It’s about a contest with only one contestant, but not like you think. Primary shooting begins in May With an expected showing of the film in July at the Good Luck Macbeth theater.
As always, Thanks for Listening!
Michelle Pappas – Mixing It Up – S5 E7

Aaaaand we’re back! Again!
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E7 – Download Link
Thanks for bearing with us while we settle into the new studio! It’s been a rough month for us all and we have had some technical issues. However, we welcome into the studio the prolifically awesome Michelle Pappas! We are also joined by Jeffrey and Adam from the TMCC Theater!
Nick and Jamie take the reigns on this one as The Rev was out of town on a family vacation – Road Trip to Vegas. So enjoy the show. I have no idea of what’s on it since I didn’t get in until late last night and haven’t had a chance. See you next week and:
Thanks for Listening!
Tooth of Crime: New Digs, Booga – S5 E6

Choogin, baybay, choogin!
The Worst Little Podcast – 2015 03 02
I am so conflicted about this episode!!!! First, we have the cast from “Tooth of Crime” on, which is so awesome; second, Jamie hosted the show in its entirety, which is good and bad (good that she can handle it, bat that my job is at stake now); and finally – it’s the last episode ever from beautiful suburban Sparks! What is this world coming to?!?!
“Tooth of Crime” is a play written, and then later re-written, by Sam Sheppard. It involves live music, cars and fire. It is dangerous theater. It is a play that has not always been well received. It is a play that may have never been done correctly, even when directed by the author. A small group of actors from Reno believe that they can pull it off like no one has.
Director Dave Richards brings most of his cast and the band to the studio with him to talk about the upcoming performances. He is joined by Lew Zaumeyer (Hoss), Jill Marlene (Becky Lou), Scott Dundas (Chaser), Andy Luna (Crow), Nick Ramirez (Meera), Rory Dowd (Rudio Ran) from the cast and also Jeff Done, Pat Mayfield, Dave Masud and Chris Fox from the Reno “Tooth of Crime” band. For a last session, we crammed so many people in that the whole band AND Reverend Rory had to sit in the living room! That’s why Jamie got to host the show! (I knew you were wondering)
If you’re interested in seeing the show, Tickets are for sale at Jub Jub’s, The Melting Pot and online.
For a final episode at the old house, we couldn’t have asked for a better set of guests – some old friends, some brand new to the show. ANd we had fun. We will be taking a one week hiatus so Dogwater Dick can move ye olde studios into Reno! Crazy things are afoot in the neighborhood. Chekkit what’s been happening down the block:
Thanks for Listening!
The Liver Scars – Beyond Control – S5 E5

That really hurt.
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E5 – Download Link
You know ’em – you love ’em – it’s THE LIVER SCARS!!!! Felix, Nick, Garrett, Todd and Ron form The Liver Scars are in the studio live and with their livers turned up to 11! You know we drink on this show, but this week was like Mardi Gras and St. Patrick’s Day steamrolled into one.I’ll just say that I tried to hold onto some semblance of show flow or control, but with these guys… I think I gave up in the first segment.
What can I say about the Liver Scars that wouldn’t be incredibly incriminating? Besides the fact that they truly are one of my favorite bands, ever and currently…. Um…. Felix remained conscious throughout the entirety of the show! Ron has a Napoleon thing going on. Garrett and Milton Berle have a lot in common. Todd gets redfaced REALLY quickly. And, yes, Nick really is just always that spacey.
You will want to check out The Liver Scars on their Facebook page and at their Upcoming show opening up fo D.R.I. at Jub Jub’s! This show is crazy and off the rails and I really don’t remember what happened after the beer boxes came out. (That’s why this post is short.) Whole episode is a bit of a blur. I think a mason jar of whiskey was involved. Shudder.
Thanks for Listening!
Failure Machine – Horn Dawgs – S5 E4

The Worst Little Podcast -S5 E4
Can you git up wit’cha git down? We got Failure Machine on with us this week. That’s right, the (second) triumphant return of our beloved FIRST production assistant, Spencer Kilpatrick and his bandmates, Clinton Philbin, Harry Mahony and Zac Curtis. I know – I hear your surprise – there are now FOUR members of Failure Machine, because they added a horn section (there’s actually about to be five, but the bassist isn’t official yet, so fuck him).
We also take a call form a representative for PostWar. Francis? Frederick? Franklin? Don’t know the guy, was really confusing, possibly on drugs. Luckily, PostWar frontman, Sutafe Bogale, came homand saved us from a trainwreck of a phone call. They have a show TONIGHT at The Knitting Factory with Bluff Caller and Cad Bane. You should chekkit out!
If you have to wait for the weekend for your party time, don’t forget to check out Failure Machine at St. James Infirmary Friday night, with The Letters Home (LA) and Hungry Skinny (SF)! Good ol’ Spencer says it’s gonna be a wild rockin’, foot tapppin’ dancin’ kind of night!
I would be remiss if I did not mention the addition – nay! the doubling of members of the band since last we saw them. Failure Machine has added a horn section! I like to affectionately call them “The Hairy Sac Blowers”, but Harry Mahony and Zac Curtis seemed to be less than thrilled. Fuck them too then, It’s my show. Nice guys, though.
At any rate, Thanks For Listening!
Mason Frey and Zomboo – A Very Scaaaaary Episode! – S5 E3

What time is it? It’s early!
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E3 – Download Link
Heya heya heya! It’w a wonderful day on the internet! We have a freaking GREAT episode for you this week. Not only do we have the talents of the superb, Mason Frey, Reno singer and musician, but we also are sporting The Return of Zomboo!!! That’s right, Reno’s favorite latenight horror movie show host is back with us in studio!
Zomboo’s House of Horror is still going, but has hit a bit of a snag. The show has been bumped from 11pm PST on Fridays to 2am PST on Saturdays! Booooo! He needs closed captioning to be ADA compliant with the FCC. Closed Captioning is really freaking expensive – more expensive than the movies! So, Zomboo and his team of ghouls are putting together a fundraising plan to get the ball rolling and get omboo back on before the witching hour! Listen to the great behind-the-scenes interview in the middle of the show. Stay tuned to the website or facebook page to keep abreast of the details – and buy stuff.
Our other guest is Mason Frey. Fuck that kid. Fuck him and all the stinking talent and charm and personability that fit into that tuzxedo. Mason sings like an angel and plays guitar like a deal with the devil. He treats us to a few originals and a sweet cover of Graham Parson’s “She”. We happened to catch him in a tux because he’s just that kind of James Bond cool. Lots of fun to talk to, Mason has a great outlook and take on the Reno music scene.
That’s my time – thanks for listening!
Small Drawings – Barking Mad – S5 E2

Good Golly Miss Gololly!
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E2 – Download Link
Hope you enjoyed your Groundhog’s Day! More on that later. Joining us once again are the maniacal talents of Small Drawings, a Reno NV rock duo. Drew Ernhout (vocals and guitar) and Mike Smalski (drums) sat down with us again, now that they have been salted – nay! After THEY have salted the town and the scene! A band firmly in their own niche and corner, Small Drawings has gotten to share stages with some of the best bands in Reno and are carving out their own following.
Before we get sown and dirty with Small Drawings, we put in a call to our good friends, KARMA, who are out on the road on their big big 2015 US Tour. Coincidentally enough, they happened to be in Lafayette, Louisiana, hanging out at Heffe’s Saloon, a fine fine establishment run by Mitch, a buddy of the Reverend’s. They say the bar was good. We’ll have to wait to hear what the bar thinks about them.
OK – really – Mike is awesome – just listen to the quiz; but Drew, Drew is a fucking lunatic. He’s the kid that eats paste and then turns it into a poignant diorama about the translation of the color blue into ham. You can catch all their insanity at a show this weekend. Teaming up with Man Downstream and The Tides, Small Drawings will be playing a show at Holland Project this Friday night at 8pm. That is a sick and twisted and AWESOME lineup. Unfortunately, that conflicts with First Friday with Reverend Rory at the Foxy Olive, featuring Paul Allen, noted Reno recluse. You should go to that.
Anyways, thanks for listening.
Victims of the Cave – Hardcore Tapeworm – S5 E1

“I am NOT retarded!” and do NOT have a tapeworm!
The Worst Little Podcast – S5 E1 <– Download Link
Welcome to the next level, superfans!! It’s the start of a whole new season! Connor Martin, Gary Day, Gabe Day, John Bigby and Tyrus Legg from Victims of the Cave invade Dogwater Studios in its final days and blast through a great podcast with the guys. Everyone but Rev. Rory – who legit had the flu and is still sick RIGHT NOW as he laboriously types this up.
Largely a bunch of Reno boys, this metal band has been active in the Reno/Sparks metal and hardcore scene for a few years and are getting a lot of great exposure and some following – that will change as soon as this episode leaks, but good luck to ’em anyway! Thoughtful and polite, they are fine upstanding citizens This bunch of foulmouthed motherfuckers were a lot of fun to talk to. How do I know this? because I actually listened to the whole show! That’s how I know Gary broke the Namaste Meter and Chewie was fucking with my sound effects and doing them all wrong!
I’m still sick, like I said and am totally over this. But I do love you all. Check out Victims of the Cave if you are into the METAL BANDS! Because they are Metal As Fuck, representin’ Reno NV
Thanks for Listening!