S15E02 One Ton Dually- Still Rolling 

Season 15
Season 15
S15E02 One Ton Dually- Still Rolling 

This week we have Chewbacca taking the lead host slot because our musical guest this week is One Ton Dually featuring our lead hosts and bestest buddies Nick and Rory on drums and bass. Rory also sings with Spike Ritchie and Stephen Barron on guitars.

Thanks for taking the wheel Chewbacca!
Stephen and Spike
Not this guy again!

Being men of a certain age there is mostly a lot of dude talk about health, tv shows,  video games and Rory’s tattoos. 

Rory’s video game tats

Fresh off their show at VSB opening for Los Pistoleros and legendary underground Uk granddaddies of psychobilly the Meteors, we hear a few songs they’re putting on their new album tentatively titled The Finger. They’re a mix of hard rock, skate punk with wit and a little nerdiness. 

It’s great to be back and have some old friends in the studio. 

So enjoy this episode with what some have called a great party band, the high octane garage rock of One Ton Dually! 

Life is short and we love you. 

Thanks for listening. 

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